Sunday, August 14, 2011

NYI astrology in history - the role of Loki

One of the more enlightening aspects of Nordic Astrology examines how the planets of the history of mankind are affected. We see this very clearly in the slow planets. Loki, who brought from the planet Uranus, revolution and turmoil after Asia century represented is.

In a personal horoscope Loki represents, how we can create problems for ourselves and others. In contrast to Odin (Moon), serve the dispute to a higher goal provoked, Loki generated controversy for its own sake. Loki shows how we make for other problems. He is the dissident in us, the page that is ready to fight anyone and everyone. Loki specifies how we rebel against people, institutions, and life itself. He shows how we ignore or defy social roles and customs. It represents our desire to tear down stifling organisations and structures. Sometimes, Loki is the revolutionary breakthrough, we need to achieve more. The catalyst for change, it is good or bad is Loki. He makes everything is unpredictable.

Loki from Norse and Greco-Roman Uranus a destructive force are shocking and disturbing, and often. In the life of individuals, they are almost always negative. But their impact on society is more ambiguous. Of course, both are the established order disturbing and threatening. These two archetypes promote still discovery and lighting. Although they can foster discontent, they solve also us out of our ruts.

Loki is his greatest power in Dagaz, the Rune of sudden conversion, enlightenment, revolutions, and conversion in the opposite. Dagaz brings us to the greatest heights, but can mean also a jump from this Summit.

1 October 1949 while in Dagaz, Loki was ended in the Chinese civil war as the people's Liberation Army of the people's Republic of China announced. China is the most populous nation on Earth. This was a drastic change of half a billion people, that backward, feudal society into a modern socialist nation moved from one. If directed by population, it was the world's largest revolution. We see the power of Loki, to overthrow the social order in Dagaz.

Still, his influence in some aspects was behavior. At the same time were the Norns (Neptune) in Gebo and Tyr (Saturn) in raido. The Norns in Gebo point out the limitations of formal contracts and personal relationships between people. Tyr in raido stresses ordered, clearly defined movement in our social duties. The Norns and Tyr provided as a means by which persisted even traditional Chinese society in view of the socialist revolution could.

The other major historical event accompanying Loki in Dagaz was the partition of India and Pakistan in August 1947 British colonial rule had become untenable after the second world war in South Asia, and the British Government attempts to create separate Muslim and Hindu Nations, as she departed. The national borders, which she drew were not sufficient, to the task, and the antagonistic Nations India and Pakistan formed the massacres and mass migration. Again, Loki crashed social order, without the consequences. The Norns, such as in China, were also in Gebo, but here its position underlined the inadequacy of formal treaties and agreements. Nationality and religion overwhelmed efforts for a peaceful solution.

We see the difference between Norse and Greco-Roman Astrology by studying the location Loki/Uranus. The Rune Dagaz lies between end of Gemini and the beginning of cancer. There is nothing in these two Greek and Latin characters on violent revolution for one-third of the world's population. The changeable air of the Gemini is hardly conducive the radical overthrow of the social order, and cancer quiet, domestic, traditional may be one of the worst possible channels for Uranus energy. The Nordic runes offer better historical perspective.

Copyright (c) 2011 ALT horoscopes, LLC

Franz-Josef star studied Greco-Roman Astrology for more than 30 years and the Nordic myth for over 15 years. It offers Astrology Norse for individuals, know the psychological and intellectual from a northern European perspective. By ALT horoscopes, LLC, Franz Josef Stern offers alternatives for those unsatisfied with conventional astrological disciplines.

Learn more about Norse Astrology!

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Destiny's Gate and the astrological vertex

I said right off the bat, that might be for those the concept of the astrological vertex in the graph not mathematically or scientifically inclined a little confusing. The vertex is the calculation of the intersection of the ecliptic (path of the Sun) and the Prime vertical (a level, the front and back of the celestial sphere shares) in your astrological chart. These calculations are theoretical and must expand really your imagination, to even a small glimmer of hope understanding get. The word comes from the Latin root of Vertere, meaning to change, to turn or spin vertex. Change, movement, movement, where the Center remains constant and unchangeable is the common thought or idea.

In the astrological chart, the vertex is a sensitive or fateful point with other probably by some astrologers. The vertex point is where sudden events occur, where we have no control. If enabled, the experience with another synchronizes whose influence to a mysterious on accounts. For example the vertex falls in your seventh House (relations) you can bet that these experiences into the values of the relationship will fall.

There are a number of considerations, a consistent activation of the vertex, such as a strong natal position; explain Conjunction on another planet, angle or measurement for experimental effects. There are three fundamental aspects to enable for many astrologers, which look at or change the vertex as an important part of the chart. These are the transits, people and places; transiting planets can activate the vertex by a natal this connected planet, angle or midpoint; The meeting of another person, have others various planetary placements, angle and sensitive astrological points; the location of each city, Park, or other natural sites.

I have here and there some anecdotal blurbs and even less empirical data on the vertex. I have a Grand air Trine between mercury, Neptune and the vertex water homes. For some astrologers, the water houses (4, 8, 12) apply psychological areas in the chart. With the above rankings dreams (12th, PISCES) has always been a continuous source of inspiration and information for me as also articulate and define it within my own consciousness.

In 2003, transit of Uranus enabled (my Sun sign ruler and 4th House ruler) my Grand air Trine, accent lighting my dreams by the thrust of lucid dreams. Lucid dreaming is, if you you know dream within the dream, which the dreamer to control every aspect and every detail of the dream environment. To understand, for those of you, this method of dreaming, I believe that you can estimate the impact and potential of the creative expression and physical ways.

In 2010, transit Neptune Uranus way followed by my 4th House enable my natal vertex, mercury and Neptune. I study and work in the field of shamanism, and I hope, this astrological measurement in the realm of dreams to integrate (12th), healing and the soul (8th), and the things hidden (4.). I'm curious to see what lies ahead!

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Taurus horoscope for July 2011

One employs, talkative time in and around the base of operations, or with family. They are improvements with what you already have or be large or small keener to initiate your hands on more stuff. Be enterprising in a certain way business and strive to collect, or protection of resources of various kinds. You can use steps (literally) to improve the health and fitness, be your own or another. With much on your mind about the home base or installation members become multi-tasking and maybe a little emotional or scattered feel, how you adapt to a changing environment. Also they are gathering information and experience, as you go forward. Perhaps it is important to present yourself and your ideas in the best way you can to bring to your kind and way of thinking, which will be much easier after the third others be.

Or maybe you hear and speak in a softer or more humorous way. But rather are friends, enjoy the sights and sounds to make you around, and can get more come and go the stimulating and interesting. More travel could be on the agenda.

Force may be necessary, to keep things organized related to finance or property and possessions, or every other bit of Kit, which requires a decisive and realistic approach. Perhaps be sorting out a room, maybe getting things done inside or outside, but also more to fill the piggy bank or collect more towards even want to do.


Jupiter, rings your character for about 12 months in a cycle of expansion across the Board. 'Learning through trade' is a key feature of the Jupiter, but you are also probably more travel or have more contact with those at a distance. They are sometimes also with interact people with very different views or cultural backgrounds. Time to get your wings spread Taurus and take advantage of the eagle eye view.

Saturn is the transit of Libra by fall 2012, meaning that that you are in a cycle of having to harder work on health and fitness, in some cases take more interest in the foods to which you nourish your body and to know what is good for you and what isn't. Cleaning maybe consider regimes and other therapeutic practices. You must accept a step-by-step approach and determination to be successful using this famous Taurean. Perhaps you will be more self-discipline diet and exercise of the treatment, but also the quality of your lines of supply security upgrade. So some of you can take more interest in gardening, organic food or gradually develop a sensible diet and exercise regime.

The current position of Saturn is a time to prepare for it move to the next sector is in 2012. This is the position 'Stitch in time saves nine'. In General, this means more responsibility and self-discipline with daily routine and providing a service for others. Also set the development of the ability of to know related to work and health. Further down the line you will be glad that you removed plug kept, when you see the fruits of your efforts. At time health provider, can the boss or the needy work colleagues feel annoying or you have to demonstrate their methods in question. But if your health or someone else of wack during this cycle, then you have the opportunity to improve things in this period slowly and safely.

For several years Uranus are working behind the scenes to help you, tie the loose ends from the past and this would be a good time for some inner or spiritual work and squaring up to something in your emotional reactions or general behavior counterproductive. Perhaps working innovative or disinterestedly for the less fortunate or more needy. You can work with a group be connected for a good cause behind the scenes. It could also mean that sudden insight into other dimensions for flashes!

Neptune has temporarily left your career sector to help bring greater clarity about your place in the world, as others see, and you can read more in the mesh with your life goals and ambitions. Taurus born the first 2 days or 2 degrees Taurus rising of feel this to influence most of this month.

For many years, Pluto will facilitate subtle internal gear shifts in deeper feelings and outer approach help develop you conclude your consciousness as old doors and open new. This could partially with those one at a distance, travel or a foreign culture are connected.

23 The focus is on family is a community, a place and perhaps to the private base of operations centered, whether permanent or temporary.

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Libra horoscope for July 2011

It will take more seriously your mundane tasks and can feel even a bit cross agencies. Professionally, it could mean that you are interested in, more about image and presentation or reliability. Perhaps you feel it is important to one specific standard in your work or your image to present. In your personal life it can mean, you feel you have to show authority or reliability or determination. Some of you have more contact with a parent or guardian figure, Bosse - possible or tatsächlichen-or other powerful positions.

Is the good news to you have likely to allies that your overall goals are significantly ahead of the third and this is a good time to the right people Guillaume and the wheels are swings and roles together as Venus at the top of your solar chart oils, which could improve your permanent or others tends in positions of power in consultation with your ideas are.

Another interpretation is that your image gets a boost, and you are in a good light, of which you want to impress after the third. Aim is also a great time for negotiations or socializing with people in positions of power thus professionally or with your cross.

Mercury is in a super-sociable area, i.e. the mental concentration are save to events on the grapevine useful information of the Group and friends, what you hear mentally on your toes, or feed you. Team work or coordinating with others is disadvantaged. Mars encouraged, travel or connect with foreign cultures and, overall, wider communication are preferred and higher studies, teaching or management part of the image could be. You will feel to be more excited, what you learn and start in new things, physically or mentally.

You have a rich allies in Jupiter in the next nearly 12 months, which will underpin influences that give you a financial boost, or other helpful resources could provide. It could be as property, resources or devices which bought, lent or rented, translate. Or you could with a sale or deal whatsoever. This could also calculate more moral support and a sense of greater security within. So, if you are looking to improve things in these areas, would be a good time to do so in the coming months.

Overall you will take your tasks even more seriously with Saturn in your sign by 2012. You'll feel sober and cautious, that enough in your Outlook, what are you to lay the foundations required steps carefully for new conditions to live happier, easier. But nothing happens quickly here. You tend to Saturn and Pluto things in a way contour that more authentically reflects, where you are on your emotional roots. But you have to stay and navigate a few obstacles that might be of some related to health.

In this long period of time you should create by your choice your life in a way that marries, you know, that you for themselves to grow and prosper with well-being, relationship or situation must do this on the map that mirrors. Saturn rules, time and small, cautious steps are the only way to go this vibration. However, the rewards can be huge, if the faith keep and keep the vision that to manifest you want to.

Uranus of your opposite sign in the since many years transit. While this is time through partnerships and other close relationships your life will change in ways you surprise. Flexible and open-minded be, as a dynamic change in work or personal relationships to customize. May you have to be Platinum-cured from time to time, but this is the spirit of the revolution, which simplifies your development and is part of a significant growth, although it may be sometimes unpredictable. It is likely that you will a relationship be unusual or talented with a person. Or more interaction with a specific group. Born in the first week and Libra is the first 7 degrees Libra rising this vibration feel strongest about June.

Neptune moved temporarily to fish in April, i.e. the confusions and let downs of the previous decade clear away to begin in romantic relationships. All blurring of the boundaries, the impact on the small in your life. The new position of Neptune brings more empathy or spirituality in the services, to offer you to others and you can a supportive role to play. It can also work, you get more chances to be imaginative and creative in your work. Born in the first 2 days and Libra scale increases the first 1 degree this vibration feel most this month.

Pluto will influence in the root directory of the chart, large de structuring and restructuring of the foundations of your life bring about a number of years, and long on the dynamics in family relationships and community relations sometimes about this transit.

Scales, born 27 September to third parties or with 3-9 degrees of Libra rising from Pluto's vibration feel most in this month.

23 Is a more progressive, moving forward as friendships and new connections are highlighted and you can further thoughts on the goals you have for a long time to reach wanted to give to.

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What says the day of your birth about you

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Numerology is the ancient art and science of numbers. This clandestine science offers profound insight into a person's life. Birthdate is a fun and powerful place to start learning about the significance of your own numbers.

At the moment, we are only concerned with the actual day of your birth (i.e. someone born on March 7, 1969 will only look at the day of birth, in this case, he or she is a 7). If your birthdate falls on a two-digit number, like the 27th, for example, you must reduce it to a single digit (1-9). For someone born on the 27th, you would add the 2 and the 7 to get 9 (2+7=9). Got it? Good. Find your number below and see what your number has to say about you.

**This is only a tiny glimpse into what numbers can reveal about the self. More to come soon.

One: People born on dates 1, 10, 19 and 28. People that have 1 as their number are greatly esteemed, bold, hardworking, persevering, trustworthy and honest. You have a strong talent for leadership from birth. You make friends easily and quickly; you will be well-known in society by the many who admire your actions and qualities. You love a life of beauty, good tastes and good manners. You do not like disarray, laziness or slackness. Naturally adventurous at heart, be careful when taking risks regarding finances. If you're a 1, you know you're physically attractive and have a charismatic personality to match, work it.

Lucky color: Yellow, especially golden-yellow. Wear this color if you're sick to promote a speedy recovery.

Love and relationships: Persons having 1, 4 or 7 as their birth date number are good partners for you.

Two: People born on dates 2, 11, 20 and 29. Imaginative and flighty, people with 2 as their number are much stronger mentally than physically. As a result, such people prove more successful in mental vocations than in works requiring physical labor and exertion. You live to serve others and are hardly capable of saying "no" as you are a gentle and merciful soul. You are well-versed in the art of making others fall in love with you and make acquaintances in no time. You have an innate ability to listen to your intuition and read the mind of other people. Living near rivers, lakes, oceans or anywhere with water will be lucky for you.

Lucky color: Light green will increase your mental power. White clothes tend to increase your luster and valor. Try to avoid black, blue and purple.

Love and relationships: Other 2's can prove to be good friends. You are lucky for each other.

Three: People born on dates 3, 12, 21 and 30. This number is indicative of power, boldness and strength. Religious at heart but not necessarily tied to conventional religion, 3's are in tune with their spiritual side. Ambitious, wise, and liberal-minded, even in the heat of anger you still maintain your discretion and wisdom. Blessed with the gift of gab and irrefutable logic you win over people with your sweet talking. You are a lover of discipline and like others to observe the rules of discipline as you. You like money and status and would do well in law and education.

Lucky color: Yellow, purple, blue and pink are good for you. Try to keep some yellow on you at all times for good luck.

Love and relationships: Other 3's make good partners for you. People with 6, 9, 15, 18, 24 and 27 as their birth date can also prove to be the best of friends.

Four: People born on dates 4, 13, 22 and 31. Fours are known to go from one extreme to another. Your life is marked by sudden and unexpected ups and downs. You can be very fickle and change your mind from one minute to another. You know how to keep secrets. Extremely indecisive. You can be aggressive and may turn people off by instilling fear in your subordinates. You think it's your right to break the rules. You can be selfish and intolerant but if you work on saying kind things to others and work on being independent, you will surely go far.

Lucky color: Blue, khaki and gray may prove beneficial for you.

Love and relationships: Other 4's can easily become your friends and lovers.

Five: People born on dates 5, 14 and 23. Five is a number full of thinking power: new arguments, modern thoughts, wonderful scheming and planning with irresistible logic and unique understanding, your mind is always going a mile a minute. You are never lonely because you are so good at winning others over and making close friends. Travel is lucky for you. You are able to adapt to any situation and respected by all. You will always look younger than your true age and stay fit and strong even when you're aged and decrepit. Your friends are friends for life. Your knowledge of many different subjects makes you always interesting to be around. You are really lucky to be a 5, own it.

Lucky color: Light green, white, and gray are conducive to your well-being and comfort.

Love and relationships: Other 5's are good for you. 1's and 3's make good partners for you too.

Six: People born on dates 6, 15 and 24. Some of the most attractive people fall under this number. You know how to dress and like to be surrounded by beauty. You cannot stand disorder, uncleanliness, and poor etiquette. With a tendency to be materialistic, you spend money freely and generously. People that are 6's are healthy, powerful, smiling and known to be quite sensual. You are also quite an aesthete with an eye for style and appreciation for all of the arts. You are not confrontational preferring to compromise over arguing.

Lucky color: Light blue, pink, yellow and white are highly beneficial colors for you. Wear white to greatly increase your personal influence.

Love and relationships: People with 3 or 9 as their number will make great friends for you.

Seven: People born on dates 7, 16 and 25. Sevens are signified by their compassion, tolerance and cooperation. You are cool, calm and collected. Sevens are also known to be gentle and imaginative. You are straightforward and know how to keep it real. You love water and travel and will find great fortune in these. You are an original thinker and 7's are often found philosophizing, writing poetry and making discoveries in the sciences. You are not only lucky but those who come in contact with you become lucky too. You are truly a unique individual and have a memorable and magnetic personality, use it for the greater good as this fits your altruistic inclinations.

Lucky color: White really suits you but light blue is even better and promotes positive energy in your life.

Love and relationships: People that are 7's or 1's will be your truest friends. Especially if they are born in January or February.

Eight: People born on dates 8, 17 and 26. The number 8 is the number of confidence. Your life is so full of life-changing events that it may be difficult for people to understand you fully. You have a meditative nature and like to work without creating a ruckus but when people see what you've been working on, they are sure to be astonished. Eight is an airy number and so is the 8 personality. You can be gentle like a breeze when in a good spirits but if you get angry or temperamental you become like a destructive tornado. You have a no bullshit attitude but inside you're a real softy.

Lucky color: Black, blue, gray and purple are lucky colors for you. Try to keep something black with you at all times to ward off obstacles and worries.

Love and relationships: Other 8's will be good friends to you. Also, people born on 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 and 26 are helpful for you.

Nine: People born on dates 9, 18 and 27. The number 9 is really something else. Nines are shining personalities, fiercely burning and full of light and intensity. People born under the number 9 are fearless, daring and often quite stubborn. Though full of adventure and bravery, it is important you take good care of yourself while you're young as 9's health really deteriorates with age. You can be very impatient and this leads to frequent misunderstandings. Always willing to lay down your life for the sake of honor as you are a distinguished personality. Nines are destined for greatness if you can steer clear of negative thoughts and actions such as gossiping and whining.

Lucky color: Red and pink are lucky for you

Love and relationships: Other 9's are good friends for you.

Click here to learn more about yourself and loved ones through these ancient arts.

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

To know your Nakshatras can answer the burning question, "who I?"


Western Astrology is a result of the ancient wisdom, travel by India of the far East to Greece. She whispers a secret in your friend's ear and they inform you a friend, and they say, as a friend, as well as the original message is distorted and often the core meaning is lost.

In the West Caesar plans created by Julius 2011 odd years the Julian calendar in the Renaissance in Greece. This period of time and calendar is also the basis for Western Astrology.

So much was lost in the translation. Western Astrology is originally from Greece, without the basic piece of astrology called Nakshatras.

The Julian calendar is solar-based and focuses on the Sun, which moved to degrees a day, a sunny day. Every month or 30 days the Sun moves a Rashi/character.

Vedic time measurement is based on the movement of the moon. The sidereal lunar Vedic system is at least 10,000 years older than the Western Julian calendar system. Our ancient ancestors were aware the heavenly movements of the lamps (planet).

Behind the mythology of astrology are pure sciences of astronomy and mathematics.

The Moon moves 13 degrees and 20 minutes a day.

Sidereal or true star time measures the movement against the background of the fixed constellations. 13.20 Minutes is one lunar day.

Lunar day is called a nakshatra.

There are 27 Nakshatras in the revolution of the Moon each month.

Nakshatras are the foundations of Vedic astrology.

Think original level of the Zodiac to them than the within, which we know to much more ancient ancestors find deeper connections.

For the Western astrologers, this information is entirely missing. For a Western astrologer, he opened a whole new world and deep interpretation this information in Eastern astrology.

Nakshatras are the finer vote of the astrological know and are extensively used for timing.


The Sanskrit name for the Moon is Chandra. Jyotisha is a lunar calendar system that calibrates energy in fine ingenious way. The Moon rules the spirit and the Manas: Perception. How the mind perceives reality is in fact how life unfolds.


If we want to change our external environment, we must first change our internal environment. This mana. Our terrestrial celestial local environment is the milky way. So, as you past, as you work on your daily from home every day travel travel on the same views of nature, we have our Heavenly nature, as we view every day around the ecliptic travel.

The views are rated stars lights that we call. Fixed stars along the way ecliptic form the constellations we know and love. As Westerners, we receive only the story behind the constellations. India has by nature this know since the beginning of recorded time lived. It is common that a kid from the sound of the nakshatra called which, under which they were born. Please not the sign of the Zodiac, rather the Moon nakshatra birth. Not only the Moon; all planet falls into one of the 27 Nakshatras.


The Vedas are rich with stories for us to make the larger story, comes far into the past of written records or even earthly time understand. What we have is probably a fraction of what exists; However, the story of Chandra is a bit sexy and sassy.

It is said that Daksha, the Lord of creation had 27 women and would spend a night with each of them. He would travel every day and every night with various consort-these are. Each woman had a different deity, symbol, motivation, direction, sound, etc., of the other is different. It was found that Daksha second a little more time into the nakshatra Taurus called Rohini would spend. To the Moon at 3 degrees to his Rohini, all-wise. The characteristics of the Rohini are one of the beauty, grace and richness.

As with any other on Earth, we have created the opposite point of the polarity. The opposite point to Rohini, is where he would spend the least time. Compared to Rohini, Jyestha is in the sign of Scorpio.

Jyestha is the oldest woman. The original woman, to offer the rest of the harem with the award, the only time and experience the rules. The Moon is weakened at 3 degrees of Scorpio in Jyestha.


Each nakshatra has at least one God or goddess, who is associated with it. Understanding the Ishtadevata goes a long way to understand the deeper meaning of each Division. Which is based on this underlying basis for the Vedic know! We will explore this knowledge piece by piece, as it laboriously the arriving student of astrology to remember is. In addition, each of the 27 Nakshatras has one or more symbols that represent the Division. These symbols are often animals, as well as inanimate objects, to describe the subject of the Division.


Nakshatras are used for the art of planning. Astrologers were the original calendar makers, advice on the best days work and harvest. In addition there are better times to start traveling, going to the fight, start a marriage, to start a business or at the end of a relationship. Life is full of activities that require careful execution have success.

Nakshatras help us align our human consciousness with the cosmos.

Nakshatras are further subdivided into the following:

Dhruva: fixed
Tikshna Daruna: terrible
Ugra: fierce
Ksipra: Swift
Mrdu: soft
Mrdutikshna Sadharana: Tender terrible

Cara: temporary.

As Westerners, we choose to ignore the harsher realities of life. Instead of facing difficulty head on, have we a nation of medicated half asleep become sheep anxious. A conscious approach reality can be to admit that we in this 2 dimensional world visually at least, life and approach life in some more.


Is like a clock of karma that are present within the characters enable Nakshatras behavior.
Based on the nakshatra position of your Moon at birth, the cosmic clock starts clicking your life.
The concept of karma in Vedic thought there is. Your birth nakshatra moon plays an important role in your karmic development. The interaction between the Nakshatras and the characters in your diagram is eloquent, mystical dance of the planetary gods and goddesses directed by their own journey of the soul.


Vedic astrology is a deep and complicated system of knowledge and wisdom. We recommend that you take it one step at a time. I think how return Yoga to the West and even study is and spiritual essence is a key part of the Vedic philosophy, it is time for us with Nakshatras familiar!


As you know, stress the sense of disempowerment by events which concern you, that you cannot control is caused. Discover the world of Vedic astrology and how to navigate a path to your higher purpose you can it, visit

Paddi has Moore for 25 years a professional astrologer, and the Board of directors sitting American Council of Vedic astrologers.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gemini horoscope for July 2011

Until the 23rd will finance property or all were, as regards the material security or physical wellbeing highlighted. It could be something you your hands to get on to or perhaps something grow, development is but it needs attention your ongoing care.

Some of these could relate to the fruits of the Earth or your body or the substances that pass through your body. Some of you for health-related issues or lines of supply be stressed at this time.

To find that money, property, were with Venus in your sign until the third you may be in the mood to enjoy beautiful things, or by certain types of connections or goodwill easier flow your way.

From the third, beautifying are things within or outside or - perhaps taking a look in the mirror and you decide what you do, need to create a more attractive personal image. She could find yourself on the receiving end of festivities, as people seem more inclined to give you a fair deal or help much at this time.

Discussions, correspondence or research could basic physical/material resources. You can, taking into account your options with regard to the financial Outlook or property, or possession of buy/sell/negotiation may affect the heart or perhaps put energy into improving the things in your own backyard.

So the focus will be this month largely on things and what it means for you. But a stronger approach and sometimes more effort for things, will require that a smooth process.


Jupiter has moved solar for about 12 months in a background area of the chart. Jupiter will help you grow the most through inner work, study, and the efforts that you make, to maintain and create behind the scenes. Or Beaver, help others in what you believe. More time for inner reflection and activities, healing, because you have, or because you choose to as a preventive measure would be a smart way to use this energy. Some of you may deal on health issues, sell or another at this time. This is a good transit for artistic, to develop healing or mental abilities.

It could be a special relationship that very much, teaches you blooming quietly in the background. But this works for you, it means, that you are your ability, self-reflexive and worth more of your time, or to give understanding, something or someone, will expand over the following 12 months. And even is one.

Saturn on its transit scale until the autumn of 2012. In this Saturn cycle, you will learn how to overcome obstacles to activities that enable you to find fun and self-expressive.

You have persistent and organized children, animals, creative pursuits, speculative projects, romantic liaisons and conversations, which meet a methodical routinized approach need be. Structure and discipline will be may be necessary. Those of you in the arts or leisure industry, advertising involved or performance activities, should more self-discipline, focus and take the long term, as nothing in these areas will happen quickly.

In March, Uranus finally heard it is to bring the cycle of change and uncertainty in your career, and the general direction of life insurance 7 last year and began travelling a progressive, futuristic sector related to your hopes and dreams. Uranus works well from this very social part of the graph solar emphasis on group efforts and new friendships. So it is doubly likely you start hanging out with a new group of people and fresh, even groundbreaking influences you think very interesting and unusual model inspire more and more are exposed to. Access to a specific group may at times and it is but this enlightening, inspiring feeling.

Geminians born in the first week or 7 degrees Gemini rising will feel this vibration most this month.

Neptune has a temporary movement in his native characters made fish. A strong place for Neptune and it happens to be your career and life direction sector. This transit is ideal for more to work, on a heart vibration and where imagination and sensitivity can be developed. Great for the arts, particularly film and music but also healing, spirituality, set entry in the charitable work and with regard to life, put ego on the one hand, to more good causes or simply your energies in a labor of love. Neptune here can blur the boundaries or give you the feeling that you are on a mission but this planet empathy helps you, in a public manner to the serve the common probably somehow less self-centered and more involved. Fame or recognition by any could come or theses areas. Neptune this year hold this position until August. Geminians born in the first 2 days or 1-2 degrees of Gemini rising by feel this to influence most of this month.

For many years to come, Pluto quietly supported a slow shifting, where your emotions, affinities and sense of deeper awareness is concerned. Pluto is the old conditions of common finance and property, to remove the inheritance and large companies. It is likely that experience radical changes in society, large-scale economic or political organizations, or mother nature itself.

It supports also psychic ability and insight into taboo areas.

23 A busier, chattier time in memory.

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Virgo - zodiac signs

Astrology has always been an interesting topic. Whether you follow it religiously, or you read your horoscope for fun, is there a definite fun aspect. Although even your character as entertainment read, there are some attributes that seem the more than random.

The sixth sign is Virgo. It is meant by Virgo Virgo. It is unclear where the origins of the name come from. However, the maiden in the Virgin Mary. Pure and refined, they have maternal instinct of the Virgin Mary. Attentive, née Virgo to the happiest people seek out.

Virgo is a modifiable sign Gemini, Sagittarius and fishes. A modifiable sign can be seen as double institutions. This is a result of the characters is between the seasons. With the Virgin it beats summer and autumn in the northern hemisphere. They keep mirroring between moving and fixed, also an element of nature.

Traditionally, Virgo is ruled by mercury. Mercury was the Messenger of the gods to ancient Romans. Astrologically, the spirit or mentality affects the planet. Principles such as communication, rationality and reasoning are indicated by the planet. Although contemporary astrologers say that dominated Virgo by Ceres, a dwarf planet is further out than Pluto in the solar system. Its status is unknown in astrology at that time.

In the area of jobs and career, Virgo reached well into any type of care work. With features such as the maternal instinct, a la Virgin Mary, along with a reliable nature and practicality. Virgo take modest way good care of others, want to take without obvious credit.

Like everything in life, Virgo have a disadvantage. Her humility can provide others as self-doubt in question. Modesty and shyness makes confused introverted Virgo. Virgos may be too conservative for their own good. Tied up with fine detail, such as not the prospect to take risks.

It is only in Western Astrology, that stars are linked to characters with the elements. When the Virgin, it is the element of Earth. Stability and grounding, as the Earth, refer also to Virgo. Earth is a very "physical"-element. With this earth characters, such as Virgo, desire and need for physical security. Earth characters parts this wish for security with the water signs.

Romantic Compatibility takes deep into the entire zodiac and astrology. How can a star character on another is a fascinating area. See, that a reliable nature is Virgo, look for this in other. You find them in the other Earth signs, Taurus and Capricorn. The water sign of fish, Scorpio and cancer can also with Virgo. Earth is to see, "the goal to carry water". In return water signs of mold or let feelings for Earth characters.

So, Virgin, so it seems may not as introverted or conservative, as they seem. They like to see Casual observers, when everyone is in check and happy. Although, they may not be the first man, a risk.

Jmsastro.comprovides you with more information about the Virgo.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can a gem stone change of destiny?

To counteract the negative affects of vibrations of the planet or vibration planetary to the favorable on the human system occultists advice to increase the use of gem stones.

A man is influenced by cosmic forces of the transits of the planets. The effect of the planets in the form of cosmic vibration depends the natal chart different people depending on the strength.

Color, precious stones and metals are influenced by planetary configurations and transits. It impacts from all areas of human activity such as health, prestige position, happiness, financial gains, business, marital bliss and all kinds of human relationships and social life.

Effects of the gem stone:
To increase the beneficial cosmic VibrationsCounteract evil planetary influences

How does a gem-stone:
Is a gem like the deficiency caused by a specific color by submitting this color to the body, if it transmits the cosmic rays in the required proportion to the body.
A gem-stone works as to reflect a Prism or a lens or the rays of the planet to an optimal pleasant situation on the people and blessing the native with get the full benefit of the cosmic vibrations.
Gems have ability to absorb the effects of the Sun and the universe. Each gem focalises certain cosmic forces and redirects them to us.

Color Dynamics gems:
Color in the form of light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
All electromagnetic waves are identical in wavelength and frequency expect.
All types of radiation energy travels at the same speed.
Each color has a definite wavelength, frequency and impact.
The waves of the electromagnetic spectrum effects health, happiness, comfort, lifestyle and events.
The magnetism of human aura is influenced constantly their locations and aspects in the post natal horoscope and daily/periodic transit of this planet of negative cosmic forces of malefic planets by the Zodiac found.
If the protective barriers of the human aura is through these malefic astral forces broken can with his positive energy away these evil forces break a right gem stone to lead the trouble and misery in life.
The reaction is caused by the gem spent by the positive vibration.
These positive vibrations neutralize all forces of harmful and negative astral influences.

Precautions at the bear a gem stone:
The fate of gems themselves no magical powers however, change helps to overcome a planetary influences and evil transits.
Only natural and precious stones are beneficial synthetic gems have no value for occult purposes.
Gems caused used for strengthening the weakness caused by the impact of a particular malefic planet his position/aspect/transits.
It can also be used to strengthen the already well positioned planets.
If too much, we strengthen the planetary effects of a particular planet, can cause other problems, as if you are Ruby for the strengthening of the planetary effects of the Sun you can acquire fame, Fortune independence and eloquence but you could call also jealousy in others.
The mature result from a gem stone can only through the use of proper quality, size and cut reached be.
The gems are crystalline in nature and have higher degree of density, so that they are acting that amorphous in nature are usually much faster than the cheap artificial substitutes.
Natives experienced astrologers for their advised happy and suitable gem stone, to consult, which will, give you the right advice after an analysis of the correct horoscope.
Avoid always wear anti-European gem as diamond and blue Sapphire Hessonite never wear Garnet [Gomed] with corals.


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Monday, August 8, 2011

Aries-man - just like a child

Aries man is like a child that is not something or someone fear. Ruling planet Mars Aries provides the individual with the endless supply of strength, vitality, liveliness and endurance. It instills in him the quality of the right to the point come, but as dilly-dallying. The planet is identified with features like standing up for what is wrong and right for what. The native is always one of the pioneers and the initiators. Aries man is always determined in law, regardless of how much help to progress and how strong are the obstacles in the way. Ruling planet Mars makes him completely safe his skills and instills in him courage and a sense of adventure and a strength of purpose. He can sometimes be, without giving much thought to the consequences of measures. That is why Aries is also known as initiator and warriors.

The planet gives touched also mental strength, vitality and determination. Such individuals move ahead in life without fear, which makes blind to the dangers of accidentally to catch them and they can throw out of balance. The drive to make progress and to achieve the goal is so strong that a setback managed those only temporarily to stop them. Then they move back ahead with same wild determination.

Aries man is an activist of the zodiac. It is an energetic signs of the zodiac. See Aries show born locals signs also have a taste for sports, adventure and travel. They are very honest and reliable and show an aptitude for mechanical skills. In the area of negative can Mars instill brutality, arrogance, impatience, impulsivity in them, to indulge in vain jealousy and an inclination and wasted battle. The planet is not a vision in the individuals and instill, the to take it outside help.

The Arian is a pioneer both in thought and be very open to new ideas and a lover of freedom. You will need fully, vitality and always something to do of boundless energy. In fact, the more active are they, the better they feel. Aries is almost need one searches, and those who don't really understand the Aries personality probably use this hard word to describe it. They welcome challenges and are not by their purpose except by their own impatience, the surface is, if they are not redirected quick results. In fact action is psychology, the more direct, blunt and to the point action the essence of the RAM. This is the ideal psychological make-up for the Warriors, the pioneer, the athlete or the Manager. The Lord of the Aries, Mars is the Commander of the army in solar family, and therefore represent warriors. Aries has a great ability, apply to mobilize energy to strength with flexibility and mobility.

A better at Astroans we work continuously on our astrology. We have experienced astrologers, which have together been predictions for you by thousands of horoscopes before any of us. Check us and discover yourself on Astrology 2011. Directly in the zone of the Zodiac, Aries manhere.

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Compatibility love horoscope - waste or gold value?

You are thinking about getting a compatibility love horoscope done but are afraid, it will prove to be a complete waste of time? If so, you're not alone. But I would like to you questions?

Are you suffering of being alone (or worse, are you tired, with the one you're with)? Are you suffering of kissing frogs, hope they will be as Prince charming, but they only appear an other frog? It is suffering through the motions of dating, they go only to wind up disappointed again?

Again, you're not alone, but I would like to you questions?

You are open to the idea that there a better way? -In an infinite Universum--the answers you are looking for are already out there waiting for you? That answers the key to happiness, love, and all are good, and, that - if you could only seven - find, which can show these answers you where you have incorrectly been in the search after"Mr. right?"

If you answered Yes, most of these questions, hope you are pretty much where I in my life was ten years ago, when the most amazing, what happened to me after I just about lost ever had to find my true soul mate...

So just a love horoscope compatibility, what is?

Just what it sounds really like, it is a horoscope reading done with the express purpose help you see what you really need, are in a relationship where you always manifest in your life mad can go, why you yourself can have allowed and how these self-destructive patterns a for once let go.

Are pretty much the same all love compatibility horoscope readings?

At a high level, they have all the same basic purpose, but the techniques are as diverse as can be: use complex astrological charts, some love psychics and calculations, which would make your head swim, some Tarot cards, some use no external AIDS; Dear on their own experiences and intuitive understanding of leadership will leave you are looking for.

The reader knows a precise reading to get everything about me and my current partner? What happens if I am now not even in a relationship?

There are some people (even some very prestigious readers) who insist that without full details of one's partner, it is simply impossible, to get a precise compatibility reading. But there are many others who say that if she needed to know about both partners, they never would do a reading at all. And as to the second question, if you are between relations now, obviously they could not provide all the information about your partner you could?

The end result is a truly gifted readers be able you instructions regardless of whether he or she about your current partner or not knows nothing. Indeed, a really talented readers able to should you guides you to your soul mate for whether, which proves your current partner or someone whom you even not met yet!

In my own experience with a love horoscope compatibility almost ten years ago done was the first step to discover my true soul mate (or should I say, my true soul mate rediscovery), and it was not my current partner at the time the reading was done (although we were very much love). But this is already very long run, so that I now go into this whole story.

The point is, the same thing could happen to you!

But be careful; all readers are not equal in ability: the better the reader read the better. But I can honestly say that if dissatisfied with your romantic life now, whether it is because you are questions whether you and your current partners are really compatible, or between relations and hope, the next time better it around, you could a love horoscope even now you might be the best present compatibility.

Curious? The following link about the love horoscope compatibility click to reading, which changed the course of my entire life!

Deserve to be loved! Read my story about love and get inspired!

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Are you a victim of love? Past lives forever even sabotage karma and 3 easiest ways to get at the end!

Bite your KARMA to keep when you least expect it... in the back end?

You have difficulties are, and remain in love? You have a pattern to stop bad relationships that seem always on a sour note? Or maybe you have in a long relationship for years.... and can you not still appear, even to determine whether he is wrong, for you, or do you think of the get of life is what you deserve?

This sound familiar anyone? The simple truth is that many women find love for the victims. Those who either go from a bad relationship to the next, or they simply find themselves feeling unfulfilled, ungratified and dissatisfied with the partner they have now...Although really, believing that this person is your soulmate.

I know this is some sound some unorthodox you, but everyone has to love a karmic relationship. Both their own ability to find, keep it and make it LAST, and of course, which often complicated karma of partners we gladly select. (for what they need to learn, while in a relationship with us, obviously love live a very important role in our also plays)

The simple truth is, Karma can be a rather complex thing. And many of us, in particular women tend our karma to VERKOMPLIZIEREN, by always repeating and always the same old patterns. (and often, with the same men..:-))

In this sense, here is exactly what you need to sabotage your love life STOP, and your improve love karma, a keep for once..:-)

1 Be AWARE there is to it!

Sure, many people are skeptical, and I'm all for critical thinking. But the truth is, if you look at karma, like something that applies only to this life, or whether you see it as part of your spiritual substance and eternal DNA, there is no question that people tend to do this, not the teachings that we suffer from the future, save it it's even more than the span of a few years. (instead of lifetimes..:-)) Easy is AWARE and awake, the patterns that are problematic for you is something very enlightening and empowering. (for example - choice not to have a relationship with a certain type of person after you, these types of have found people own well-being are harmful for you)

2 - Look at the big picture

I am inclined to believe all of us, are born with a goal and a mission.... and true love much of this image. I believe that the universe know closely each of us... and if you call that God or a religious figure or only an all-knowing breathing energy, sending light in life, even in the grand scheme is really important. (and incredible empowerment) To know that you're here for a reason and it's purpose and passion behind your plan is a great way see the relationships that you as a gateway for good, rather than the convenience and comfort. (i.e. - the hunt for Mr right NOW is less important than the search for your true spiritual soulmate)

3 - Past life karma and the end of even sabotage!

I believe that each of us lives many lives and the lessons we throughout each learn paramount, the our progress. This can be the spiritual life or even symbolic past lives (for example, in that many changes, and life, which many of us in this life to live), but I really think that end is even sabotage important part of the journey, and the life lessons that we received.

Many people believe, for example.... can that we have the same "Soul group" from one life to the next, and that only experienced by overcoming obstacles relationship in one we really healthy and happy same way with the souls in the next advance. To learn that love is greater than life, for me.... the most important factor was to end the cycle of self-destructive relationships. (and to learn that there was a true spiritual partner wait the moment in my own life where everything changed forever for me after I did, it was!)

Find your spiritual soulmate here!

Possibility to enable your karmic love connection , without even leaving the simplest your home (100% guaranteed!)

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Zodiac signs - Aquarius

Astrology has always been an interesting topic. Whether you it religiously follow, or read your horoscope for fun. There is a definite fun aspect. Although even your character as entertainment read, there are some attributes that seem the more than random.

The eleventh of the Zodiac is so difficult as astrology itself. Aquarius is through the carrier water symbolizes. Fluent at all, such as water, gods was associated with the water carrier. Ah, to nourish and energization the Earth. Never to stand still, brings Aquarius individuality. Unpredictable and prone to surprising opinions, no two Aquarian are identical.

A fixed sign, which means that it firmly at sits at the end of the season. For a sign to stability, determination and perseverance is,. Such positive characteristics are mirrored by negative. Negative characteristics such as rigid inflexibility, stubbornness and determination. As, in fact, that they are always properly this character born.

Traditionally ruled by Saturn, although ruled by Uranus since its discovery. Uranus is meant as the planet the heavens and the night sky seen. In astrology connotes Uranus genius, individuality and unconventional thinking. This can be included in the elusive individuality, to obtain the Aquarius. Whether it deeply you with people or solo leading Aquarian thoughts and is true.

As for career, Aquarians work best where their can maintain intellect. Areas such as science, technology and science are ideal for such intellect. Science, can, for example, Aquarius, extend deep thought. In addition allows it room for alternative ideas flourish.

As with everything in life, Aquarius has one disadvantage. Like a fire, must constantly be stoked. The Aquarius needs constant intellectual stimulation. If something down seems dumbed down, the Aquarian can get frustrated. As the wind, Aquarians are not always peaceful, unfortunately it may storms well.

Air is the element for Aquarius. Air, communication connotes and intellect. Great thinkers, to analyze the love situations are usually under air signs born. Although how exactly like the air Aquarians will be involved in movement, and new experiences

When it comes to romantic compatibility, Aquarius a bodes well with other air sign Gemini and Libra. The necessity of intellect and communication branches of the three characters. These characters are the desire the need for intellectual stimulation. So, they solve something for such stimulation. To boot, the creative nature overlooks it. Unfortunately, means that it is never boring.

So, essentially search Aquarians of smarts about everything. Forever in search of something new, something novel. As creative as they are smart, Aquarians seek new solutions.

Http:// you with more information about Aquarius.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

As developed, you are compared to the features of your star sign star?

You are born in a specific astrology, zodiac sign, are with certain traits but as developed the characteristic which identify your Astrology in you log on. Some of you might say, Yes, but I'm nothing like the trains of my Zodiac. For example, to a person who have given birth Virgin under the star sign an analytical character and is a little bit perfectionist, which is very neat and organized. But the Virgo person feels not always he / you fit into that character and you questions themselves perhaps, why that is.

It may come as a surprise to you but all Virgos have developed these qualities not necessarily yet but are here to learn. Another explanation may be that they have other very powerful characters and planets in strong positions in the horoscope that such may have a dominant influence, that it overwhelmed the astrological sign of the zodiac.

We are not all designed to the same level and some with the qualities of born their astrological star sign and it is the trains, by their nature, while others of your zodiac sign need to develop. But there are the skills and as soon as they learn how to discipline themselves and tune in their individual qualities, it is more natural to them.

So why are some young children who play the piano like a professional adult able, who played the piano and practiced for years to get a wonderful pianist? That is simply on a fascinating topic to speculate. Pass the children with a superior talent, or can it be born will be another explanation for this?

And some young children are fast enough to cover the need for able, wonderful paintings as highly skilled artists to paint, and they can not, it's for their images to paint. People are waiting to buy them and to pay well for it available.

Many astrologers believe in reincarnation, and that the talent that we have developed in the past lives are something we bring with us in this life. And this can be a good explanation for so talented as young children are that it only on our mind blows, as they are capable of such mature performances in their young years to carry out.

So if you are with questions, why not identify Zodiac astrology, that you are born, then there may be a much deeper explanation to expected as you in the past. Your horoscope will give you a pretty good idea, what level you have developed your Sun sign astrology.

" Astrology Sun sign " can you say much about a person, and it is also very interesting to study and identify the characteristics of your family and friends. Each zodiac sign contains specific individual features and the rest of the planets in your chart will add clarity to a personality people. Learn more here " about astrology "

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NYI astrology, horoscopes Norse - superior to traditional Graeco-Roman astrology?

Norse and Greco-Roman Astrology differ in their interpretation of the planets, houses and runes (signs). In the light of its foundation in Northern Europe and Pagan tradition, Norse Astrology provides better spiritual and psychological information for people of the northern and Central European heritage. Because it is generated stable House definitions regardless of birth latitude, it is also better suited for more than 30 degrees north of the equator was born.

Planet - perhaps the most striking difference between Norse and Greco-Roman astrology is how they describe planetary energy. NYI Astrology uses the gods and goddesses of the Norse pantheon and, in contrast to Greco-Roman, Norse is equally balanced between men and women. The main planets are Odin as Moon and Freyja. Female planetary energy manifests itself with Skadhi, mercury, Venus, Frigga and Neptune are, that represents the Norns. Male planetary energy manifests itself with Mars, which Thor, Jupiter, Saturn, Freyr, Tyr and Uranus, Loki (who sometimes a female form adopted) represents. The northern and southern slopes of the Moon stand for Heimdal and Hel. In Norse, the planets have strong affinities to the houses, but a reduced relationship with the Runic astrology. On the other hand, the Graeco-Roman planets have strong affinities, the characters (Rulerships), but little relationship to the houses.

Houses - a similarly compelling difference is the definition of the houses in Norse astrology. In contrast to any placed Graeco-Roman houses used Norse astrology the eight solar houses of ancient Pagan and heathen tradition. The importance and the placement of these eight houses is intuitive and clear. The eternal dimensions of day and night and even vs others define how the homes within our natal horoscope work. The night-West House is with the Norns, night House with Skadhi, affiliated to the night East House with Frigga and East home with Freyja. The day-East House is with Thor, which connected day home with Freyr, the day West House with Tyr and the West House with Loki. Odin, the eternal Wanderer has no house affiliation.

Runes - Nordic Astrology uses define positions along the ecliptic 24 equal runes around the planet. In addition to providing detailed, they are a better description of cosmic forces to influence our lives of the 21st century. These runes are an alphabet of universal archetypes, with which we the attributes can explain our world and ourselves. On the other hand, Graeco-Roman Astrology trying depict these forces by the symbolism of sub-human animals. The runes are eternal, because they are constellations irrespective of the millennial drift.

NYI astrology is an excellent alternative for equality planetary energy, the intuitive clear importance of its houses and its stable and archetypal runes.

Copyright (c) 2011, Franz-Josef star

Franz-Josef star studied Greco-Roman Astrology for more than 30 years and the Nordic myth for over 15 years. It offers Astrology Norse for individuals, know the psychological and intellectual from a northern European perspective. By ALT horoscopes, LLC, Franz Josef Stern offers alternatives for those unsatisfied with conventional astrological disciplines.

You want more information to Norse Astrology?

Would you like a personalized Norse natal horoscope?

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

How do affect the eclipses our karmic destiny?

Eclipses have finished the Sagittarius-Gemini axis: 3. May 2011


Do have to celebrate any planet with much Gemini or contactors from you! For the last 18 months, which have the eclipses caused massive stress for you. On 3 may, completed this cycle. Be very aware than this cycle is now complete.

Familiar with your own chart you as much of an advantage to know to manage your life. For those of you who know that the eclipses have been activating your karma and have in devotion and humility, I salute you.

The most difficult time is usually at the end of each cycle. You know that the end is near, but you are not already in the new paradigm. The divine will throw a cosmic karmic test to you at this time very often.


Now is the time of the past 18 months. If you have experienced this transit, you can search again on the last 18 months were the most intense you can remember.

Be reminded that you're here because your soul had decided to be here. Treat your ego.

Did you find your karmic lesson?

You did give up and let go and forgive?

Did projects completed or come, that you never will.

Have lower drag in integrity with your Word?

To adopt a new form of discipline that you know, created a better life?

You grow from let go or you grow from it take up?

Do you know what you said you wanted to do?

The first premise of the foundation of the Vedas, yoga is Yamasa, ahimsa.


Non-damage. Before we need to move to a higher level of consciousness we position the damage not assume. If we ourselves get into the habit with as much care and love loving, we will do for others and then out the same planet. Move at any moment. Simply forgive over and over and over and over again and remain movement into this!


Be gentle with it. Make peace. Take the time journal and meditate as this start cycle behind you to the other leave. The eclipses are most powerful.

This is to stop a reminder for you and reflect before they hand over.

This is also an excellent time to have a reading, so you know whether the next round of eclipses affects you.

They can not avoid, but understand what happens, makes all the difference.



As you know, stress the sense of disempowerment by events which concern you, that you cannot control is caused. Discover the world of Vedic astrology and how to navigate a path to your higher purpose you can it, visit

Paddi has Moore for 25 years a professional astrologer, and the Board of directors sitting American Council of Vedic astrologers.

View the original article here

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

If you want a brief introduction to Chinese Astrology?

This year - the year 2011 - is rabbit, if you follow the Chinese zodiac. It began on 3 February 2011, the the beginning of the lunar new year and the Spring Festival in China. It takes 22 until Jan, 2012.

Chinese zodiac is based on a cycle of twelve years and it is calculated according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Every year in this cycle character refers to an animal. The animals are characters: rat, ox, Tiger, rabbit, Dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, cock, dog and pig.

The animal characters change every year in late January or February depending on the new moon.

It is believed that the animal that your birth year rules has a strong influence on your life. It is also thought that a person born embodies the animal features, in a given year as see the Chinese of this animal.

However, Chinese astrology is not just as simple, such as the 12 Chinese zodiac signs refer to the months of the year and during the periods of the day. Daily animal divided characters, starting at 11: 00 pm with the rat into two-hour periods represented by one of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. When all of these are combined, the Chinese astrologer can then tell you your destiny.

There is a beautiful legend of the Chinese zodiac; It is said that the gods ordered that animals were, as characters are chosen for each year and the twelve who arrived were selected. The rat was the first character of the years first because he was curious and so with the ox.

Apparently promised the rat cat to wake up, so that she could travel together. But on the fateful day, the rat to wake that cat and that is why cats hate rats still forgot. Chinese new year's day is now when animals are divided in two years.

While gifts are based appreciated on the astrological signs, especially of those, who believe in the horoscope, they are also guarded and enjoyed by many, who simply appreciate traditions.

Gifts and good luck go together for so many people. The Chinese appreciate especially items as jewelry etc., which are red in colour and depends on the luck of his were received as a gift, but bought than for himself.

As the Chinese people have special affection for red, redness has become the token of all the good things.

Characters are the animals in many ways, born as a gift given in the corresponding year.

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New moon Eclipse Gemini June 1st 2011

While you can change this time career search direction according to a new job, start a new project, log on to a new course. With Saturn in Libra form a close trigon with Eclipse it will help you bring structure to the changes that you need to make in your life. Note of lies and secrets that was denied you have, because everything in the wash comes after the new moon in the Gemini could come. Things are revealed expect – add a Solar Eclipse to this new moon is like have a Gemini moon on steroids, so everything is strengthened. Pay attention to gossip - what you say and be aware of the strong impact of your words - for good or bad. You will probably feel quite restless and want to do something. You can travel are more than usual.

An Eclipse is a guide to an area in your life, which are supported for the next six months or more. In my chart, that this new moon in Gemini falls for which I want to go and trust the universe could mean teaching new possibilities - I will do online workshops begin in my 11th House that dares the beginnings of new friendships, new dreams and wishes, and astrology draws in the next few weeks and I am sure this will have a far-reaching impact on my career and touch people all over the world far and wide. It is exciting, is it always me think in a new way to communicate in new ways. As always with Gemini, it something that has to be learned. I'll have a steep learning curve about Web conferencing, live video streaming is a new language for tempture and Gemini rules languages and learn. So this is the best, as I use this partial solar eclipse in my 11th House.

Perhaps this new moon, the solar eclipse falls in your third House of learning, this could mean, that your attitude, your beliefs and the type and the way you communicate your ideas change. You can start a new course of study, you could your public speaking ability develop, a new marketing plan, you can, themselves, and develop to promote your ideas. What you can be sure, is that everywhere where this Eclipse is on your diagram, it is fast and interesting changes in this area of your life.

This is a time of new beginnings, new plans, new projects, information gathering, brainstorming, bouncing ideas around, is smart and creative, do learn something new, or teaching something new. Things can happen quickly and unexpectedly, be ready for some surprises!

Good things to do during a Gemini new moon:

Read, write, speak,
Supported discussion and debate,.
Being adaptable and ready to change,
Everything in your life in question
Fun and play around - see life in a lighthearted way
Go to a comedy show or just something funny, told a good joke
Can play and happy
To find new and creative ways of communication
Use telepathy - look to start the power of your mind
Bekanntwerden your thinking processes
Always clearly say what you want to demonstrate how it can happen quickly
Research on new ideas
Networking and exchange of information
As socializing and meet up with a friend to bring coffee and
Short-term projects
Listen carefully
Something with your hands
Develop of a marketing plan
New people
Negotiations on an agreement

Listen your own inner guidance and not too much of the chatter in your head. Make sure your thinking and get to in a negative or critical downward spiral. Expect that belebter than ever before, and you need to listen to your body and know when you need to rest.

Gemini is all about communication, writing, video, Skype, e-Mail, Web conferencing, etc.. We see significant global progress in our communication technologies in the next six months.

The way you communicate in your 1: 1-relations come under sharp. If someone in your life, with which you are estranged and you can contact with them at that time, a new way of getting through to them. It is a time prepared carefully to hear, so that you know what is the other person. This could bring about great healing and renewal in your relationships. You you were able to get out of a rut a short trip or have a change in routine can find.
Barbara Goldsmith, professional astrologer for over 30 years are personal readings for customers worldwide. It has a loyal following on you tube with their free monthly horoscopes. Author of astrology was the elements - simple, physical and metaphysical astrology, manual for the survival of the global financial crisis. Also a brings qualified financial advisor, they a unique blend in the field of astrology with its intuitive astrological know and their practical experience.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tarot reviews - how to be a low-cost Tarot Reading that really delivers!

Always read about anyone who thinks a Tarot? Are you are not sure whether an online visit or Tarot phone service, or whether to visit a reader face to face? What are the advantages of one over the other? If you are anything like I once was, see the simple truth is, that a psychic of any type, you can trust is a problem, and the fear suckered, cheated or demolished by an unethical reading is a constant concern.

Tarot reviews is so can first, or psychic reading reviews be trusted or do they need to be read with a grain of salt?

The truth is, in my experience that chances of an amazing life changing Prophet or services which are well valued, also reviewed read far higher if you choose and ranked by customers, callers and clients that have gone before you. In fact, would not I read online dreams of getting a Tarot or disabled, until I had at least some frame of reference for the selection of a reader, I knew that I could trust.

In other words, as a publisher of lots of psychic and paranormal content...

You should be aware that most publishing services are compensated the psychological evaluations, we recommend. (by free readings, or cash compensation) While I do not, that an evaluation or recommendation less think, should make, it is something you should know and be notified before a decision should.

Here is exactly what I recommend that before you call or visit a Tarot reader do:

A few selected reviews read... but do not over it. The experiences of others prior to selecting a psychic obsessed is not the key for good reading. Find a reader that connects you to a meaningful level, is! (and you may differ from person to person)

Giving you a lot of money never a first time reading out, even if the medium is good, well reviewed and rated respected. I recommend sticking to a small budget of 10-30 dollars or so, and only commit, other expenses, as soon as you realize that you have an authentic connection.

Finally, remember that Tarot cards are a very symbolic art specifically. Two people can offer very different readings of the same cards. The phone no reading inaccurately as can improve the information that comes through for reasons much too numerous, too... and for many of us actually around here include everyone.

Don't forget to enjoy themselves! Do not be so super Ernst! Tarot Reading should funny, informative and entertaining to boot!

Warning: Non "Snookered" by FAKE get over again psychic readings! Go here for an amazing Tarot-Reading , you won't ever forget! (100% Guaranteed!)

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Astrology of recovery from diseases

The planetary position a horoscope chart is the nature of the disease, it would suffer and how she would impact him. Diseases and death can previously identified and appropriate arrangements made be can to arrest or to minimize such evil influences.

Factors affecting, diseases and possible recovery of it

Ascendant: native's vitality and strength.

Sun: general structure and strength of the physical Constitution.

Moon: indicates mental health of a person.

6th House/Mr: ordinary illness and disease, or acute illness.

8th House/Mr: serious nature of the disease causing mental disorder and fear to live.

12th House/Mr: Because of the Chronicle problems in hospital.

Combination for contracting diseases:

Sun is aspected by malefic susceptibility to diseases represent.Saturn moon in character, the Cancer.Sun of Mars and Aspecting 6th House/Herr.Saturn influenced is combined and Venus.Lord of 6th and combined in ascendant: 8 Haus Sonne of the ascendant and 8th together disease Gesicht.Herr combined.The ascendant Lord/House is aspected Mars.Lord ascendant, Saturn and Sun in 6/8/12 House.Saturn and Mars combined in 6th: 8 Haus.Herr 6th combined with Moon in ascendant: 8-Haus.Malefic in 6. without aspects of benefic result in continuous Krankheit.Jupiter and Moon in the 12th house postulates.Sun, combined in a House, gives the organ disease Mars, characterised by this House and Saturn.Malefic Mars is placed in a bad character.Is Mr which is 8th House hammed between malefic or the planets in the weakening.

Combinations for the early restoration of disease:

Strong planet located in ascendant are early recover of Krankheit.Herren of ascending and tenth House are friendly with each other.Lords fourth and seventh houses Fast Recovery.Herr is the ascendant is related to Moon and Moon is influenced by benefic planets or postulates in the quadrant, indicating early recovery from Krankheit.Herr placed in quadrant, the ascendant and moon that benefic influences. Moon in his own / boost placed character and related to a malefic planet, speed gives respite from Krankheit.Moon in a mobile or common characters, that of Lord of ascendant or planet / s placed in it aspected.Moon in an own character postulates in 4th: 10 House, speed's rest on the Krankheit.Sonne/Moon of beneficial and placed aspected in ascendant/4th/7th's quick recovery House.

Combinations for delayed recovery:

If Mr which is ascendant in an even sign and hostility between the Lords of ascending and tenth House or between the Lords of 4th and 10th House, enter delayed recovery from Krankheit.Herr indicating 6th related to 8/12 House/Mr no connection has difficulties in the Wiederherstellung.Wenn planet/s in the 12th house with 2 to 10 House, but linked to the 6th house alone is treatment in a hospital or extended bed rest in treatment.Moon or Venus placed ascendant indicates recovery is delayed.Ancestor of the 12th house are slow recovery of the Krankheit.Herr combined with Mars, making ascendant very slow recovery from Krankheit.Herr ascendant in 6th: 8 House and Lord of the 8th placed in a quadrant, specifies, stay suffer physical ailments.

Possibility of the death of physical ailments:

Mr the ascendant is located in the village, 4/6/7 of the Lord of the 7th specifies House, possibility of death, to a chronicle disease.Lords of ascendant is weaker than the Lord the 8th Haus.Herr ascendant in connection with set/retrograder planet/s and placed in a quadrant indicates possibility of death as a result of Krankheit.Herren of ascending and 8th combined in a Haus.Herren of ascendant and 8 in a quadrant and influenced by cruel planet of death as a result of Krankheit.Beziehung between Lords are liability 6, death are 8 and 12 houses in a nursing home to extend asylum and sanatorium due to illness.If Jupiter to 8th House reference and harassed by evil planet, you are death from blood poisoning, cancer, liver problems or inflammation of the lungs.Saturn specifies in 8th House, long service life, but slow and prolonged death referred to, if it is not in one of their own characters.Uranus connected is with 8th House to death by an incurable disease or the patient may die because of wrong diagnosis.Neptun related to 8th House indicates death, after he was in the State of coma or unconsciousness due to an overdose of drugs or allergy.




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Taurus cow goddess message

My husband, Taurus Bull, was always reports about security, especially at the physical level. "You keep your gas tank filled for food, water, stock, money on the side, your papers in order have to be ready to leave in an instant." "You know when it will be a natural or man-made disaster and you want to be prepared, that could occur for every crisis never."

Is certainly emotional

Will messages I am to you, are safe and secure, but more from the emotional perspective send. It's feelings and intuitive skills, that you fully reign will develop the goddess of love, expressed by a matriarch inspired era. It is quite an exciting time ahead as you learn, you play your feelings it consciously, much like a gifted pianist finger has sent a piano.

Actress in you

For now, you know that your emotional nature is used to express feelings, so that everyone can easily identify the role of acting it out is. You keep their feelings most the same roles over and over again like a broken record without deliberately to play. You can sometimes get questions, "Why am I repeating same role over and over again, I know better." Their emotional nature as an actress in you to popping up on the emotional stage and play their role to present loudly. The more familiar the script, the more she like it.

Three basic emotional roles

There are really only three basic emotional roles: victim, villain or hero. So, why should your emotional nature, head for the role of a victim? Actually, it's not at all despised role for your emotional nature. The pain, sorrow and suffering, that can be expressed by the role of the victim, so can heart be dramatic.

Victimhood seductive

Victimhood is so seductive role. Through the pain and suffering, you endure can you seductive, tender tap in your sensuality, which makes the pain worthwhile. Hard-core victims wait until disaster hits so many times, that even she can help to notice that something must be wrong.

I'm the victim, you're the bad guy

In a conflict, relationship try to convince that they are the victims of both parties usually to each other. The idea is, the only safe role victimhood is pointing the finger at the other as a villain.

You are not sure

So what have to do emotional roles with security? It will not make a difference, how much you prepare for physical layer for a disaster or a crisis, if your emotional nature loves to express themselves through the role of the victim, you are not sure. You are in your usual role, the victim at the end.

Life looks unfair

I would ask you, "there are enough heroes to go around or there are more people, the heading for the victims and villains roles the emotionally as much more hard-headed heroine perceived as a role are juicy?" That is, why life looks unfair, not enough heroines of the victims and triumph over the bad guys to save.

You are the hero

If you want to be sure, you need to learn how to play the notes to play, such as the pianist your feelings. If you catch your emotional nature expression itself as a victim, you will be the heroine, that she is crying, to save her. Trying you not, with facts and figures with their reason, rational argument doesn't work. Instead involved, the role of the heroine to the hilt but as excessive clearances. "Oh, in distress, Let's save me damsel." You are my love, here is a tissue to wipe your brow furrowed. "Do wines you my love?" Not derogatory, not evil, just really "campy", fun.

Break the hypnotic trance

You searched for breaking the hypnotic trance you your emotional nature in the sitting and you do it in a caring way with humor. Then get them help you, cooking, care for the animals, the plants water, that would get them into the role of heroine also, helpful. They may be surprised, your emotional nature is actually happy playing all three roles, it is the feelings that she wants to express. Helping you her this year Zodiac are really masterfully to itself on the caring role of heroine to express.

Victims and money

Be realistic, no self respecting victim with money is always recorded. Once it does, it has to get rid of either stupid things spend or someone it let take it. Train your emotional nature how to become a hero in the matriarch era, you need to be good at business but quite different. Home-based network marketing a natural where you definitely need to exercise, which automatically pushes successfully express is you in the role of the heroine and the role of the victim. Passive residual income by duplicating the is matriarch way are often made.

Understanding the numbers

Get involved! Every month the Zodiac, is a new ability to develop, so that your emotional nature not even will get bored a moment there. This month, Zodiac is it the compensation plan, to understand the numbers that you need. Otherwise you will be held that back too soon lands you in the role of victims a naive, gullible.

About the author
Loy is a master storyteller, an accomplished Astrology researchers and practitioners; Relationship expert and author. Sign signs and predictions newsletter for their free Zodiac. Use the monthly energy to improve your relationships and daily life. Visit Loy in

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