Sunday, August 14, 2011

NYI astrology in history - the role of Loki

One of the more enlightening aspects of Nordic Astrology examines how the planets of the history of mankind are affected. We see this very clearly in the slow planets. Loki, who brought from the planet Uranus, revolution and turmoil after Asia century represented is.

In a personal horoscope Loki represents, how we can create problems for ourselves and others. In contrast to Odin (Moon), serve the dispute to a higher goal provoked, Loki generated controversy for its own sake. Loki shows how we make for other problems. He is the dissident in us, the page that is ready to fight anyone and everyone. Loki specifies how we rebel against people, institutions, and life itself. He shows how we ignore or defy social roles and customs. It represents our desire to tear down stifling organisations and structures. Sometimes, Loki is the revolutionary breakthrough, we need to achieve more. The catalyst for change, it is good or bad is Loki. He makes everything is unpredictable.

Loki from Norse and Greco-Roman Uranus a destructive force are shocking and disturbing, and often. In the life of individuals, they are almost always negative. But their impact on society is more ambiguous. Of course, both are the established order disturbing and threatening. These two archetypes promote still discovery and lighting. Although they can foster discontent, they solve also us out of our ruts.

Loki is his greatest power in Dagaz, the Rune of sudden conversion, enlightenment, revolutions, and conversion in the opposite. Dagaz brings us to the greatest heights, but can mean also a jump from this Summit.

1 October 1949 while in Dagaz, Loki was ended in the Chinese civil war as the people's Liberation Army of the people's Republic of China announced. China is the most populous nation on Earth. This was a drastic change of half a billion people, that backward, feudal society into a modern socialist nation moved from one. If directed by population, it was the world's largest revolution. We see the power of Loki, to overthrow the social order in Dagaz.

Still, his influence in some aspects was behavior. At the same time were the Norns (Neptune) in Gebo and Tyr (Saturn) in raido. The Norns in Gebo point out the limitations of formal contracts and personal relationships between people. Tyr in raido stresses ordered, clearly defined movement in our social duties. The Norns and Tyr provided as a means by which persisted even traditional Chinese society in view of the socialist revolution could.

The other major historical event accompanying Loki in Dagaz was the partition of India and Pakistan in August 1947 British colonial rule had become untenable after the second world war in South Asia, and the British Government attempts to create separate Muslim and Hindu Nations, as she departed. The national borders, which she drew were not sufficient, to the task, and the antagonistic Nations India and Pakistan formed the massacres and mass migration. Again, Loki crashed social order, without the consequences. The Norns, such as in China, were also in Gebo, but here its position underlined the inadequacy of formal treaties and agreements. Nationality and religion overwhelmed efforts for a peaceful solution.

We see the difference between Norse and Greco-Roman Astrology by studying the location Loki/Uranus. The Rune Dagaz lies between end of Gemini and the beginning of cancer. There is nothing in these two Greek and Latin characters on violent revolution for one-third of the world's population. The changeable air of the Gemini is hardly conducive the radical overthrow of the social order, and cancer quiet, domestic, traditional may be one of the worst possible channels for Uranus energy. The Nordic runes offer better historical perspective.

Copyright (c) 2011 ALT horoscopes, LLC

Franz-Josef star studied Greco-Roman Astrology for more than 30 years and the Nordic myth for over 15 years. It offers Astrology Norse for individuals, know the psychological and intellectual from a northern European perspective. By ALT horoscopes, LLC, Franz Josef Stern offers alternatives for those unsatisfied with conventional astrological disciplines.

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