While you can change this time career search direction according to a new job, start a new project, log on to a new course. With Saturn in Libra form a close trigon with Eclipse it will help you bring structure to the changes that you need to make in your life. Note of lies and secrets that was denied you have, because everything in the wash comes after the new moon in the Gemini could come. Things are revealed expect – add a Solar Eclipse to this new moon is like have a Gemini moon on steroids, so everything is strengthened. Pay attention to gossip - what you say and be aware of the strong impact of your words - for good or bad. You will probably feel quite restless and want to do something. You can travel are more than usual.
An Eclipse is a guide to an area in your life, which are supported for the next six months or more. In my chart, that this new moon in Gemini falls for which I want to go and trust the universe could mean teaching new possibilities - I will do online workshops begin in my 11th House that dares the beginnings of new friendships, new dreams and wishes, and astrology draws in the next few weeks and I am sure this will have a far-reaching impact on my career and touch people all over the world far and wide. It is exciting, is it always me think in a new way to communicate in new ways. As always with Gemini, it something that has to be learned. I'll have a steep learning curve about Web conferencing, live video streaming is a new language for tempture and Gemini rules languages and learn. So this is the best, as I use this partial solar eclipse in my 11th House.
Perhaps this new moon, the solar eclipse falls in your third House of learning, this could mean, that your attitude, your beliefs and the type and the way you communicate your ideas change. You can start a new course of study, you could your public speaking ability develop, a new marketing plan, you can, themselves, and develop to promote your ideas. What you can be sure, is that everywhere where this Eclipse is on your diagram, it is fast and interesting changes in this area of your life.
This is a time of new beginnings, new plans, new projects, information gathering, brainstorming, bouncing ideas around, is smart and creative, do learn something new, or teaching something new. Things can happen quickly and unexpectedly, be ready for some surprises!
Good things to do during a Gemini new moon:
Read, write, speak,
Supported discussion and debate,.
Being adaptable and ready to change,
Everything in your life in question
Fun and play around - see life in a lighthearted way
Go to a comedy show or just something funny, told a good joke
Can play and happy
To find new and creative ways of communication
Use telepathy - look to start the power of your mind
Bekanntwerden your thinking processes
Always clearly say what you want to demonstrate how it can happen quickly
Research on new ideas
Networking and exchange of information
As socializing and meet up with a friend to bring coffee and
Short-term projects
Listen carefully
Something with your hands
Develop of a marketing plan
New people
Negotiations on an agreement
Listen your own inner guidance and not too much of the chatter in your head. Make sure your thinking and get to in a negative or critical downward spiral. Expect that belebter than ever before, and you need to listen to your body and know when you need to rest.
Gemini is all about communication, writing, video, Skype, e-Mail, Web conferencing, etc.. We see significant global progress in our communication technologies in the next six months.
The way you communicate in your 1: 1-relations come under sharp. If someone in your life, with which you are estranged and you can contact with them at that time, a new way of getting through to them. It is a time prepared carefully to hear, so that you know what is the other person. This could bring about great healing and renewal in your relationships. You you were able to get out of a rut a short trip or have a change in routine can find.
Barbara Goldsmith, professional astrologer for over 30 years are personal readings for customers worldwide. It has a loyal following on you tube with their free monthly horoscopes. Author of astrology was the elements - simple, physical and metaphysical astrology, manual for the survival of the global financial crisis. Also a brings qualified financial advisor, they a unique blend in the field of astrology with its intuitive astrological know and their practical experience.
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