Sunday, August 14, 2011

Destiny's Gate and the astrological vertex

I said right off the bat, that might be for those the concept of the astrological vertex in the graph not mathematically or scientifically inclined a little confusing. The vertex is the calculation of the intersection of the ecliptic (path of the Sun) and the Prime vertical (a level, the front and back of the celestial sphere shares) in your astrological chart. These calculations are theoretical and must expand really your imagination, to even a small glimmer of hope understanding get. The word comes from the Latin root of Vertere, meaning to change, to turn or spin vertex. Change, movement, movement, where the Center remains constant and unchangeable is the common thought or idea.

In the astrological chart, the vertex is a sensitive or fateful point with other probably by some astrologers. The vertex point is where sudden events occur, where we have no control. If enabled, the experience with another synchronizes whose influence to a mysterious on accounts. For example the vertex falls in your seventh House (relations) you can bet that these experiences into the values of the relationship will fall.

There are a number of considerations, a consistent activation of the vertex, such as a strong natal position; explain Conjunction on another planet, angle or measurement for experimental effects. There are three fundamental aspects to enable for many astrologers, which look at or change the vertex as an important part of the chart. These are the transits, people and places; transiting planets can activate the vertex by a natal this connected planet, angle or midpoint; The meeting of another person, have others various planetary placements, angle and sensitive astrological points; the location of each city, Park, or other natural sites.

I have here and there some anecdotal blurbs and even less empirical data on the vertex. I have a Grand air Trine between mercury, Neptune and the vertex water homes. For some astrologers, the water houses (4, 8, 12) apply psychological areas in the chart. With the above rankings dreams (12th, PISCES) has always been a continuous source of inspiration and information for me as also articulate and define it within my own consciousness.

In 2003, transit of Uranus enabled (my Sun sign ruler and 4th House ruler) my Grand air Trine, accent lighting my dreams by the thrust of lucid dreams. Lucid dreaming is, if you you know dream within the dream, which the dreamer to control every aspect and every detail of the dream environment. To understand, for those of you, this method of dreaming, I believe that you can estimate the impact and potential of the creative expression and physical ways.

In 2010, transit Neptune Uranus way followed by my 4th House enable my natal vertex, mercury and Neptune. I study and work in the field of shamanism, and I hope, this astrological measurement in the realm of dreams to integrate (12th), healing and the soul (8th), and the things hidden (4.). I'm curious to see what lies ahead!

View the original article here

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