Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gemini horoscope for July 2011

Until the 23rd will finance property or all were, as regards the material security or physical wellbeing highlighted. It could be something you your hands to get on to or perhaps something grow, development is but it needs attention your ongoing care.

Some of these could relate to the fruits of the Earth or your body or the substances that pass through your body. Some of you for health-related issues or lines of supply be stressed at this time.

To find that money, property, were with Venus in your sign until the third you may be in the mood to enjoy beautiful things, or by certain types of connections or goodwill easier flow your way.

From the third, beautifying are things within or outside or - perhaps taking a look in the mirror and you decide what you do, need to create a more attractive personal image. She could find yourself on the receiving end of festivities, as people seem more inclined to give you a fair deal or help much at this time.

Discussions, correspondence or research could basic physical/material resources. You can, taking into account your options with regard to the financial Outlook or property, or possession of buy/sell/negotiation may affect the heart or perhaps put energy into improving the things in your own backyard.

So the focus will be this month largely on things and what it means for you. But a stronger approach and sometimes more effort for things, will require that a smooth process.


Jupiter has moved solar for about 12 months in a background area of the chart. Jupiter will help you grow the most through inner work, study, and the efforts that you make, to maintain and create behind the scenes. Or Beaver, help others in what you believe. More time for inner reflection and activities, healing, because you have, or because you choose to as a preventive measure would be a smart way to use this energy. Some of you may deal on health issues, sell or another at this time. This is a good transit for artistic, to develop healing or mental abilities.

It could be a special relationship that very much, teaches you blooming quietly in the background. But this works for you, it means, that you are your ability, self-reflexive and worth more of your time, or to give understanding, something or someone, will expand over the following 12 months. And even is one.

Saturn on its transit scale until the autumn of 2012. In this Saturn cycle, you will learn how to overcome obstacles to activities that enable you to find fun and self-expressive.

You have persistent and organized children, animals, creative pursuits, speculative projects, romantic liaisons and conversations, which meet a methodical routinized approach need be. Structure and discipline will be may be necessary. Those of you in the arts or leisure industry, advertising involved or performance activities, should more self-discipline, focus and take the long term, as nothing in these areas will happen quickly.

In March, Uranus finally heard it is to bring the cycle of change and uncertainty in your career, and the general direction of life insurance 7 last year and began travelling a progressive, futuristic sector related to your hopes and dreams. Uranus works well from this very social part of the graph solar emphasis on group efforts and new friendships. So it is doubly likely you start hanging out with a new group of people and fresh, even groundbreaking influences you think very interesting and unusual model inspire more and more are exposed to. Access to a specific group may at times and it is but this enlightening, inspiring feeling.

Geminians born in the first week or 7 degrees Gemini rising will feel this vibration most this month.

Neptune has a temporary movement in his native characters made fish. A strong place for Neptune and it happens to be your career and life direction sector. This transit is ideal for more to work, on a heart vibration and where imagination and sensitivity can be developed. Great for the arts, particularly film and music but also healing, spirituality, set entry in the charitable work and with regard to life, put ego on the one hand, to more good causes or simply your energies in a labor of love. Neptune here can blur the boundaries or give you the feeling that you are on a mission but this planet empathy helps you, in a public manner to the serve the common probably somehow less self-centered and more involved. Fame or recognition by any could come or theses areas. Neptune this year hold this position until August. Geminians born in the first 2 days or 1-2 degrees of Gemini rising by feel this to influence most of this month.

For many years to come, Pluto quietly supported a slow shifting, where your emotions, affinities and sense of deeper awareness is concerned. Pluto is the old conditions of common finance and property, to remove the inheritance and large companies. It is likely that experience radical changes in society, large-scale economic or political organizations, or mother nature itself.

It supports also psychic ability and insight into taboo areas.

23 A busier, chattier time in memory.

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