Monday, August 1, 2011

Astrology of recovery from diseases

The planetary position a horoscope chart is the nature of the disease, it would suffer and how she would impact him. Diseases and death can previously identified and appropriate arrangements made be can to arrest or to minimize such evil influences.

Factors affecting, diseases and possible recovery of it

Ascendant: native's vitality and strength.

Sun: general structure and strength of the physical Constitution.

Moon: indicates mental health of a person.

6th House/Mr: ordinary illness and disease, or acute illness.

8th House/Mr: serious nature of the disease causing mental disorder and fear to live.

12th House/Mr: Because of the Chronicle problems in hospital.

Combination for contracting diseases:

Sun is aspected by malefic susceptibility to diseases represent.Saturn moon in character, the Cancer.Sun of Mars and Aspecting 6th House/Herr.Saturn influenced is combined and Venus.Lord of 6th and combined in ascendant: 8 Haus Sonne of the ascendant and 8th together disease Gesicht.Herr combined.The ascendant Lord/House is aspected Mars.Lord ascendant, Saturn and Sun in 6/8/12 House.Saturn and Mars combined in 6th: 8 Haus.Herr 6th combined with Moon in ascendant: 8-Haus.Malefic in 6. without aspects of benefic result in continuous Krankheit.Jupiter and Moon in the 12th house postulates.Sun, combined in a House, gives the organ disease Mars, characterised by this House and Saturn.Malefic Mars is placed in a bad character.Is Mr which is 8th House hammed between malefic or the planets in the weakening.

Combinations for the early restoration of disease:

Strong planet located in ascendant are early recover of Krankheit.Herren of ascending and tenth House are friendly with each other.Lords fourth and seventh houses Fast Recovery.Herr is the ascendant is related to Moon and Moon is influenced by benefic planets or postulates in the quadrant, indicating early recovery from Krankheit.Herr placed in quadrant, the ascendant and moon that benefic influences. Moon in his own / boost placed character and related to a malefic planet, speed gives respite from Krankheit.Moon in a mobile or common characters, that of Lord of ascendant or planet / s placed in it aspected.Moon in an own character postulates in 4th: 10 House, speed's rest on the Krankheit.Sonne/Moon of beneficial and placed aspected in ascendant/4th/7th's quick recovery House.

Combinations for delayed recovery:

If Mr which is ascendant in an even sign and hostility between the Lords of ascending and tenth House or between the Lords of 4th and 10th House, enter delayed recovery from Krankheit.Herr indicating 6th related to 8/12 House/Mr no connection has difficulties in the Wiederherstellung.Wenn planet/s in the 12th house with 2 to 10 House, but linked to the 6th house alone is treatment in a hospital or extended bed rest in treatment.Moon or Venus placed ascendant indicates recovery is delayed.Ancestor of the 12th house are slow recovery of the Krankheit.Herr combined with Mars, making ascendant very slow recovery from Krankheit.Herr ascendant in 6th: 8 House and Lord of the 8th placed in a quadrant, specifies, stay suffer physical ailments.

Possibility of the death of physical ailments:

Mr the ascendant is located in the village, 4/6/7 of the Lord of the 7th specifies House, possibility of death, to a chronicle disease.Lords of ascendant is weaker than the Lord the 8th Haus.Herr ascendant in connection with set/retrograder planet/s and placed in a quadrant indicates possibility of death as a result of Krankheit.Herren of ascending and 8th combined in a Haus.Herren of ascendant and 8 in a quadrant and influenced by cruel planet of death as a result of Krankheit.Beziehung between Lords are liability 6, death are 8 and 12 houses in a nursing home to extend asylum and sanatorium due to illness.If Jupiter to 8th House reference and harassed by evil planet, you are death from blood poisoning, cancer, liver problems or inflammation of the lungs.Saturn specifies in 8th House, long service life, but slow and prolonged death referred to, if it is not in one of their own characters.Uranus connected is with 8th House to death by an incurable disease or the patient may die because of wrong diagnosis.Neptun related to 8th House indicates death, after he was in the State of coma or unconsciousness due to an overdose of drugs or allergy.




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