Friday, August 12, 2011

What says the day of your birth about you

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Numerology is the ancient art and science of numbers. This clandestine science offers profound insight into a person's life. Birthdate is a fun and powerful place to start learning about the significance of your own numbers.

At the moment, we are only concerned with the actual day of your birth (i.e. someone born on March 7, 1969 will only look at the day of birth, in this case, he or she is a 7). If your birthdate falls on a two-digit number, like the 27th, for example, you must reduce it to a single digit (1-9). For someone born on the 27th, you would add the 2 and the 7 to get 9 (2+7=9). Got it? Good. Find your number below and see what your number has to say about you.

**This is only a tiny glimpse into what numbers can reveal about the self. More to come soon.

One: People born on dates 1, 10, 19 and 28. People that have 1 as their number are greatly esteemed, bold, hardworking, persevering, trustworthy and honest. You have a strong talent for leadership from birth. You make friends easily and quickly; you will be well-known in society by the many who admire your actions and qualities. You love a life of beauty, good tastes and good manners. You do not like disarray, laziness or slackness. Naturally adventurous at heart, be careful when taking risks regarding finances. If you're a 1, you know you're physically attractive and have a charismatic personality to match, work it.

Lucky color: Yellow, especially golden-yellow. Wear this color if you're sick to promote a speedy recovery.

Love and relationships: Persons having 1, 4 or 7 as their birth date number are good partners for you.

Two: People born on dates 2, 11, 20 and 29. Imaginative and flighty, people with 2 as their number are much stronger mentally than physically. As a result, such people prove more successful in mental vocations than in works requiring physical labor and exertion. You live to serve others and are hardly capable of saying "no" as you are a gentle and merciful soul. You are well-versed in the art of making others fall in love with you and make acquaintances in no time. You have an innate ability to listen to your intuition and read the mind of other people. Living near rivers, lakes, oceans or anywhere with water will be lucky for you.

Lucky color: Light green will increase your mental power. White clothes tend to increase your luster and valor. Try to avoid black, blue and purple.

Love and relationships: Other 2's can prove to be good friends. You are lucky for each other.

Three: People born on dates 3, 12, 21 and 30. This number is indicative of power, boldness and strength. Religious at heart but not necessarily tied to conventional religion, 3's are in tune with their spiritual side. Ambitious, wise, and liberal-minded, even in the heat of anger you still maintain your discretion and wisdom. Blessed with the gift of gab and irrefutable logic you win over people with your sweet talking. You are a lover of discipline and like others to observe the rules of discipline as you. You like money and status and would do well in law and education.

Lucky color: Yellow, purple, blue and pink are good for you. Try to keep some yellow on you at all times for good luck.

Love and relationships: Other 3's make good partners for you. People with 6, 9, 15, 18, 24 and 27 as their birth date can also prove to be the best of friends.

Four: People born on dates 4, 13, 22 and 31. Fours are known to go from one extreme to another. Your life is marked by sudden and unexpected ups and downs. You can be very fickle and change your mind from one minute to another. You know how to keep secrets. Extremely indecisive. You can be aggressive and may turn people off by instilling fear in your subordinates. You think it's your right to break the rules. You can be selfish and intolerant but if you work on saying kind things to others and work on being independent, you will surely go far.

Lucky color: Blue, khaki and gray may prove beneficial for you.

Love and relationships: Other 4's can easily become your friends and lovers.

Five: People born on dates 5, 14 and 23. Five is a number full of thinking power: new arguments, modern thoughts, wonderful scheming and planning with irresistible logic and unique understanding, your mind is always going a mile a minute. You are never lonely because you are so good at winning others over and making close friends. Travel is lucky for you. You are able to adapt to any situation and respected by all. You will always look younger than your true age and stay fit and strong even when you're aged and decrepit. Your friends are friends for life. Your knowledge of many different subjects makes you always interesting to be around. You are really lucky to be a 5, own it.

Lucky color: Light green, white, and gray are conducive to your well-being and comfort.

Love and relationships: Other 5's are good for you. 1's and 3's make good partners for you too.

Six: People born on dates 6, 15 and 24. Some of the most attractive people fall under this number. You know how to dress and like to be surrounded by beauty. You cannot stand disorder, uncleanliness, and poor etiquette. With a tendency to be materialistic, you spend money freely and generously. People that are 6's are healthy, powerful, smiling and known to be quite sensual. You are also quite an aesthete with an eye for style and appreciation for all of the arts. You are not confrontational preferring to compromise over arguing.

Lucky color: Light blue, pink, yellow and white are highly beneficial colors for you. Wear white to greatly increase your personal influence.

Love and relationships: People with 3 or 9 as their number will make great friends for you.

Seven: People born on dates 7, 16 and 25. Sevens are signified by their compassion, tolerance and cooperation. You are cool, calm and collected. Sevens are also known to be gentle and imaginative. You are straightforward and know how to keep it real. You love water and travel and will find great fortune in these. You are an original thinker and 7's are often found philosophizing, writing poetry and making discoveries in the sciences. You are not only lucky but those who come in contact with you become lucky too. You are truly a unique individual and have a memorable and magnetic personality, use it for the greater good as this fits your altruistic inclinations.

Lucky color: White really suits you but light blue is even better and promotes positive energy in your life.

Love and relationships: People that are 7's or 1's will be your truest friends. Especially if they are born in January or February.

Eight: People born on dates 8, 17 and 26. The number 8 is the number of confidence. Your life is so full of life-changing events that it may be difficult for people to understand you fully. You have a meditative nature and like to work without creating a ruckus but when people see what you've been working on, they are sure to be astonished. Eight is an airy number and so is the 8 personality. You can be gentle like a breeze when in a good spirits but if you get angry or temperamental you become like a destructive tornado. You have a no bullshit attitude but inside you're a real softy.

Lucky color: Black, blue, gray and purple are lucky colors for you. Try to keep something black with you at all times to ward off obstacles and worries.

Love and relationships: Other 8's will be good friends to you. Also, people born on 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 and 26 are helpful for you.

Nine: People born on dates 9, 18 and 27. The number 9 is really something else. Nines are shining personalities, fiercely burning and full of light and intensity. People born under the number 9 are fearless, daring and often quite stubborn. Though full of adventure and bravery, it is important you take good care of yourself while you're young as 9's health really deteriorates with age. You can be very impatient and this leads to frequent misunderstandings. Always willing to lay down your life for the sake of honor as you are a distinguished personality. Nines are destined for greatness if you can steer clear of negative thoughts and actions such as gossiping and whining.

Lucky color: Red and pink are lucky for you

Love and relationships: Other 9's are good friends for you.

Click here to learn more about yourself and loved ones through these ancient arts.

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