Saturday, August 6, 2011

Zodiac signs - Aquarius

Astrology has always been an interesting topic. Whether you it religiously follow, or read your horoscope for fun. There is a definite fun aspect. Although even your character as entertainment read, there are some attributes that seem the more than random.

The eleventh of the Zodiac is so difficult as astrology itself. Aquarius is through the carrier water symbolizes. Fluent at all, such as water, gods was associated with the water carrier. Ah, to nourish and energization the Earth. Never to stand still, brings Aquarius individuality. Unpredictable and prone to surprising opinions, no two Aquarian are identical.

A fixed sign, which means that it firmly at sits at the end of the season. For a sign to stability, determination and perseverance is,. Such positive characteristics are mirrored by negative. Negative characteristics such as rigid inflexibility, stubbornness and determination. As, in fact, that they are always properly this character born.

Traditionally ruled by Saturn, although ruled by Uranus since its discovery. Uranus is meant as the planet the heavens and the night sky seen. In astrology connotes Uranus genius, individuality and unconventional thinking. This can be included in the elusive individuality, to obtain the Aquarius. Whether it deeply you with people or solo leading Aquarian thoughts and is true.

As for career, Aquarians work best where their can maintain intellect. Areas such as science, technology and science are ideal for such intellect. Science, can, for example, Aquarius, extend deep thought. In addition allows it room for alternative ideas flourish.

As with everything in life, Aquarius has one disadvantage. Like a fire, must constantly be stoked. The Aquarius needs constant intellectual stimulation. If something down seems dumbed down, the Aquarian can get frustrated. As the wind, Aquarians are not always peaceful, unfortunately it may storms well.

Air is the element for Aquarius. Air, communication connotes and intellect. Great thinkers, to analyze the love situations are usually under air signs born. Although how exactly like the air Aquarians will be involved in movement, and new experiences

When it comes to romantic compatibility, Aquarius a bodes well with other air sign Gemini and Libra. The necessity of intellect and communication branches of the three characters. These characters are the desire the need for intellectual stimulation. So, they solve something for such stimulation. To boot, the creative nature overlooks it. Unfortunately, means that it is never boring.

So, essentially search Aquarians of smarts about everything. Forever in search of something new, something novel. As creative as they are smart, Aquarians seek new solutions.

Http:// you with more information about Aquarius.

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