Sunday, July 31, 2011

Virgo horoscope for July 2011

Phase in memory move forward a progressive, if friendships, new connections and group collections are highlighted and you can give more thoughts to destinations you have wanted to achieve for a very long time. The governing factor in this month not being what is for you, and how well they work together so much know that you know. Overall they are vibration, where type of business cooperation and social gatherings of various kinds are highlighted especially after the third in a sociable and friendly in General. A time when the collective energy of 'a sense of duty' is strengthened, and it is likely to be more scope for unexpected or unconventional influences.

Mars is in a keep public sector, with image, presentation, bureaucracy or the authority concerned, and you are vital and energetic, Mars will help you climb the ladder of success or to make progress with the master plan, but also with a lesser objectives and ambitions. Some of you have more robust interaction with a parent or guardian or be seen as the authority of others.

The aim is also a great time for negotiations or socializing with people where able to professionally help you or your cross.

New or old friendships and biz type contacts are warm and sociable. Mutual support is expected. Mercury is more in targeted, sensitive mood which means intuition is working well and your unconscious intuitions are nearer the surface, but you can also do more mental work behind the scenes or mulling deeper questions.

Jupiter's new position will expand your world in a positive way in the next 12 months. You could grow academically, but also your will expand intellectual horizons in other ways as you touch new areas of interest. You can communicate across a broader stage. By education, travel or personal experience you are plunged understand the into new projects and activities, your and give you the opportunity to share your knowledge and skills from various sources. Higher learning, teaching, unfamiliar environments, travel or remote contacts be positively highlighted at this stage.

Saturn in your area of material security until 2012 already looking to the future has, forecasting inventory of finances, the possessions, the physical space, the comfort zone or health. Patients and work continuously be and consistently at this basic, physical levels bring about an improvement in the situation. Feather your nest in advance as you can. Another aspect of this long transit is that you are developing constantly your innate systems, your gave and become talents the lucrative and they generate more income as you in can apply effective and practical way.

Uranus planet of sudden change was shift the balance in close relations and evoke changes in your personal lifestyle for many years. Uranus is now in an area where more distance on jointly held or controlled resources concerns. Can there be a sudden release of a previous relationship or lifestyle. Virgos born 7 degrees will increase during the first week or with the first to feel the action of Uranus this month.

Neptune in your opposite sign PISCES til August, will bring more empathy in your relationships and tend to the best people are looking for and make a real difference in their lives, but just make sure that you not in the case of one them on a pedestal and they worship fall.

Or over-play the martyr/Redeemer-show...

This is the first 1-2 days Virgo natives and two degree Virgin most of June rising concern.

For many years Pluto be quiet but positive all your efforts to the development makes more personal creativity and life in a way that is more self-empowering, and support themselves faithful. Virgos Aug 26 to September 2nd or with 3-8 degrees of Virgo rising born feel this vibration most of June.

Of 23 is a feeling of preparation and regeneration and you may be more inclined to again with things behind the scenes, sort things around you, but also put on an inner level your House in order.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

The importance of yin and Yang (part one)

Complementary opposites

If you are studying any aspect of the Oriental philosophy or culture you soon come across the concept of "Yin" and "Yang". These terms are used to describe the opposite yet complementary nature of iChi energy which understood the elderly behind the manifestation of everything in nature - the creation of structures, promotions, seasons, emotion and movement exist.

I Ching Astrology are the qualities of yin and Yang behind the understanding of the cycles of change that we go through. These nine years cycles move of yin, Yang; This means of dormancy in winter (yin) by the increasing active phase of the spring up in the consolidation phase of Yang. Similarly, the most important include Yin/Yang attributes numbers.

Yang's nature is seen from of the heavens and down to Earth. Conversely, Yin is the natural tendency to rise and back to the heavens. Yin of's energy rises is diffuse, and therefore slower and cooler, while Yang's descending energy concentrated, is harder, hotter and faster. The result of this process is that the structures that are larger are seen more as yin, while those that are smaller and more compact more than Yang seen.

Here, it is associated with a list of some typical opposites yin and Yang.

Yin: Passivity; cool colors; Silent; potential energy (electricity); Cool; introverted; hard-working; careful; maternal; unsafe; dependent

Yang: Activity heat; Movement; makes (obvious); self-confident; passionate; Extrovert; impulsive; stubborn; Bold; paternal; adventurous; independent

Miscellaneous concepts

An important principle to be taken into account is that is not fully yin and Yang nothing is entirely. The centuries old Yin/Yang symbol, that familiar with everyone these days is, takes this concept perfectly. The dark section of the Yin-Yang symbol is representative of yin, but it is in a small circle of the opposite (Yang) from the left side. If we look a tree, could say, that its leaves, branches and trunk are the Yin element in its structure and that the Yang is within his roots growing down.

A spring onion has nature (yin) in its structure and far less root (Yang) far more upwards; This compares with a carrot, has a greater concentration of power and structure within the root (Yang) and less emphasis on the leaf structure (yin). As well, if our nature is primarily intellectual or spiritual we are more Yin than one person, the practical and grounded, who would be seen more than Yang.

Relatively more Yin than people who are rigid and inflexible would be people who are physically and emotionally flexible. At night, when we rest and are more passive, is traditionally understood as a more Yin period during the daylight hours, when we active / booked, are seen more as Yang. Winter, when it is colder and we less active, more Yin than summer, when it hot and we are in the free and active.

In part two, which will be published soon, the nature of yin and Yang, applied to nature and health discover Jon.

Published eight books on and around the themes of acupressure, Feng Shui Astrology, the 10 day random distribution program Piatkus Guide to Feng Shui, Feng Shui travel, Macrobiotics for beginners, Zen and the art of cooking authentic I Ching and the I Ching astrology.

I Ching Astrology Ltd
Name Jon Sandifer
Web address

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Your Moon sign, not your star sign, steering you now!

Now you have probably heard or felt the cosmic shift that happens on the March equinox. In fact, it arrived quite an exciting time in the cosmos, as the goddess of love and a half, well over a year earlier than was expected at the December Solstice, December 21, 2012. It can be a confusing time as if you're holding in the past. Nothing seems to work, or at least not for long.

Coax from your love

The Moon Goddess, the goddess of love and Aquarius, the leader signs of the zodiac for the next years 2100, work closely together as a team to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to develop all the positive qualities that outputs the goddess of love. First you need to out your love coax, which is hidden under the rubble, the pain and the pain. Care is the quality of the goddess of love, which this year is highlighted, to develop, starting with support for yourself. Just then, confidence will develop you the love you.

Her zodiac sign Zodiac

Aquarius is busy each the zodiac signs shift of their male articulation to their feminine, Goddess expressions easier. What this means for you is, zodiac signs, your birth and that you are sponsored a transmitter for your entire life, make this shift during his time on the stage of Zodiac. As in this case, your zodiac sign will then his transfer his energies through their feminine aspect of your own shift starts gender-what ever you are not only a full-on participants in this matriarch inspired time. Get ready, it's a major shift as you can see!

The changes include

Aries has handed over already on Aries the RAM Ewe goddess. Similarly, one Taurus which supports to the cow goddess Taurus Bull. In hindsight can we look back and review our experience during their time on stage Zodiac and include the changes. Many astrologers to this cosmic shift in it are now matched 2011 / 12, Zodiac only astrological charts this year for signs of the Zodiac, as soon as they had their time on the cosmic stage and these transformations already have gone through.

Her zodiac sign guided your destiny

Also, you know, as the goddess of love matriarch you will reign, learn to develop and express your feelings as well as develop your intuition. As the God of the Patriarchs will develop your strength and your power through your mind and body civilization more were crucial. Of course, your astrological sign was the most important and led you to your fate.

Their current learning curve

Now, here is the goddess of love, the shift is to your emotions and intuition. If these aspects are really developed by you, you will be part express you from the goddess. This is your current learning curve, whether you it or not, identify those aspects of which you develop.

Moon Goddess major player

An important player is the Moon Goddess during this matriarch civilization, which has now begun. When the new moon goddess and Vollmonde their Moonbeams course activate your feelings and away your intuition begin to strip. Learn how to move into the new era in a loving way to embrace their Moonbeams. With leadership your Aquarius Moon Goddess developed a magical seven-day formula teaching you only like a connection with her. Three days earlier, prepare your physical, emotional, and against it; get the fourth day and three days later confirm and implement.

Moon Goddess steering you

You want to completely understand your Moon sign and fully understanding how it affect your behavior, in particular, your relationship. Now it's your Moon sign, which is steering to your destiny more than your zodiac sign. If it's good, no matter what rational reason do not believe that you are specified, you will probably forward go.

Time to develop inner senses

Of course, to fully understand your Moon sign, you must wait until the sign of the Zodiac has made the shift its feminine expression. If your Moon in the constellation capricornus, must see, how you really feel once is Capricorn in progress or zodiac completes his time on the stage. But understand is part of your mind, and now is the time, inner senses, to develop above all your feelings. The more you will be sent in the embracing of the Moon Goddess energies, the easier this transition will be.

Mercury awakens your intuitive nature

Also once you become adept at dealing with your emotions, fingers on the piano, which will produce beautiful music is activated as a pianist with the mercury highly on your diagram. Mercury awakens your intuitive nature.

Moon Goddess June new and full time

The Moon Goddess new moon is 2:03 pm PDT 1 June 2011. connection with it requires that it is her in inner senses, to optimize your feelings as you to see in the sky. It is their dark Moon period. Their full moon is on the 15 June 2011 on 1:13 pm PDT. They twice occur during the Gemini Zodiac stage term, be the Gemini be strengthened energy strongly by the Moon Goddess. As a result, Aquarius Gemini the shift of the male twins to can the female goddess twins to help.

About the author
Loy is an accomplished Astrology researchers and practitioners; Relationship expert and author. Sign up for their FREE - zodiac-signs and projections newsletter. Use the monthly energy to improve your relationships and daily life. Visit Loy in

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Fish horoscope for July 2011

They are also romantic mood more creativity in a lighter, and have more opportunities for entertaining activities. It could admire someone you see and you feel in the middle of their attention, or maybe it's the other way around. Romantic menu for some of you could be either way, or you might receive something you would like to promote, also by others is involved. But it looks like you sometimes might be physically active on the home base or in the locality and pretty busy. So can some major improvements within or outside to make.

From the 3rd relationships with children and other young people, including animals and those that are cheap stressed to a good time. She probably, the friendly connections with to enjoy other and the social side of life and romance could for some in the menu.

The mental focus will be on the practical aspects of life. You can get with daily repairs and maintenance and other basic stuff. But there is still a very carefree social mood as a whole. Increased emphasis on the children, young people or animals is likely.

Jupiter is a 12-month cycle of new contacts and fresh influences which illuminate you and educate you could open the doors. Jupiter opens doors in your mind show you possibilities, other things – that you will not agree to carry out, but on at least an eagle eye view gives you. A great time for study, teaching or others, as well as leadership and development of your self-expression through various media.

With the Jupiter vibration fits a wider area to explore or explores new possibilities to publish or promote something. It cannot be cast so your networks width new opportunities through use of communications equipment, vehicles and those at a distance. The main thing is to remember, your information that you should learn from feedback, smart source and develop skills with speak, write or creative self-expression.

Saturn continues to another control in the connection with money, property, regulations or a contract bound to keep. So, it would be helpful if you gradually developed a resource or a lifestyle regardless of a partner or associate, or outside the Agency control. Thus gains an independence and freedom for themselves.

Slowly move your priorities and change old habits and attitudes. Perhaps get a deeper insight into something or someone who throws stronger feelings, or develop a deeper understanding of the "other side", occult or secrets in life. Also, a more strategic approach to protect what you value most, can help for yourself.

Uranus will gradually be changed is how you make money in the next 7 years. It brings sudden and occasional insecurity in the area of finances and your basic material security. If you are open-minded and ready, new methods - can try above all some techno, unconventional or alternative, to help earn money, or gather in basic resources and deliver that feed create lines of code and protect easily, then you be very successful. It would be a revolution in your think that gets on the right track with reference to material security. Some of you take only to stimulating even a pay reduction, innovative or unusual to work. Also a time to further put your talents and any plan you can have previously on the back burner of a lifetime.

Their ruling planet made Neptune a temporary step in your sign on April 5th. This will improve your basic Neptune gifts; Dream-life, imagination, second sight, healing, etc. but also your fundamental Neptunian errors; only not the martyr/Saviour bust card but. 2 Degrees of the fish rising feel was born in the first 2 days, or with the first fish born this vibration in this month.

Pluto quietly developed your consciousness by group involvement and a strong effect on the collective in any way, or a group or company, you can have a powerful effect on you. Old will be replaced gradually by new friendships and associations. They are to learn, a cog in the wheel, a team player, take without losing your own unique things be referenced. Fish-born born Feb 22-27th or between 3-8 degrees fish rising this vibration feel most this month.

23 Be sorting out practical details but enjoy themselves on the way.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Chinese Astrology - love compatibility

There's a lot that can your Zodiac say about compatibility with your love! Them to discover useful information, you can choose the right partner and make meaningful decisions.

Chinese astrology is a popular system that can be transmitted your innate nature as also your partner a lot about (based on the character you fall under). Historical records show that Chinese astrology and the Zodiac originate from the lunar cycle and is the zodiac sign of a person of his birth.

The Chinese zodiac signs

There are twelve signs in Chinese calendar:

These characters are believed to be performed in one cycle, so that all twelve year cycle and starts again. People who are born in the same year share certain characteristics and personality, and reading by details of their character makes it easy for them to predict their love compatibility.

What are the most compatible Chinese Astrology signs?

It is undeniable that while the Union certain signs can be beautiful, others can be a total disaster. Hence it is important to check whether they are compatible with one person before him dating or even consider him as a life-partner.

The soul classmates

Below are the best games for the twelve signs. This partnership is in heaven:
Horse - GoatSnake - MonkeyDragon - RoosterRabbit - dog tiger - PigRat - ox

Dragon and dog make an incompatible couple as they are constantly at odds with each other and better things to do their own way. The cock and dog encounter friction, because neither agrees with the other. The monkey and the Tiger have a hard time, which each other because of their opposing views to tolerate. There is also an open hostility between the Serpent and the Tiger.

Karmic friction
Dog - RoosterRat - GoatOx - HorseTiger - SnakeRabbit - DragonMonkey - pig

In accordance with the law of attraction, certain souls try to find each other and nothing (no creed, caste or race) can their karmic distract connections. Rendezvous exist and they call up one life to the next. But these meetings are not easily possible. We have to keep our minds and hearts open. After the compatible provided for Chinese astrology, it is easy to meet people with character features that are compatible with ours. However, at any time, we should construct that the characters are the only factor which concerns our compliance; There are several other factors which we discover as we read through this historic Chinese system.

Through Chinese Astrology find much about yourself and your partner. We recommend that you consult the Chinese zodiac signs before you choose your partner.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Total Lunar Eclipse and full moon in Sagittarius

This particular Eclipse in Sagittarius are to told about learning the truth on the other hand lies. We see this with reports far lower levels of radiation from the Japan provide disaster actually be found as at the global level. The same is true of the volcano which has erupted in Chile where it a crack, six miles long and three miles wide is the. Christchurch New Zealand has with a swarm of earthquakes in the last two days or more destruction experienced, weakening of the infrastructure and thousands more homeless. However, says the Government is still "rebuilding we will." Demanding a challenge for all of us be the difference between truth and lies in the next 18 months to come. This is global, affect us on a national and on a personal basis.

Sagittarius is all about the search after truth, adventure, travel, believe and an optimistic future. It provides the higher mind, education and extension and the Lunar Eclipse can great performance, a dream true or bring the release of some very heavy luggage, or a big ends, the power of the way for something new and exciting. Jupiter, rules the planet luck and abundance of Sagittarius, so that this full moon in Sagittarius on the diagram specific life could bring good news, a spiritual awakening, or even a new and exciting vision for your future in this area.

It's a good time to:

Think about the future and how you can improve yourself and your skills
Publish a book or an article
Have an adventure
Go to a party or host-a
You are planning a big trip somewhere, you do not have been
Teach, train, bus
Tell the truth as you see it - only connected no frills pole!
The big picture in focus
Find the fun ways
Find deeper meaning in your life
Do have some personal development
Discover, experiment, experience
Surround yourself with people from completely different backgrounds and cultures to yourself
Find a mentor or someone who inspires you
Do think about your beliefs and discard that which you restrict
Do outside in the free
Think of the meaning of life and what is your goal
See everything in a positive light
Find your own teacher within
Pick up a new sport
Ignite your natural enthusiasm and passion
Say, or write an interesting story
Open up to new experiences
You think, what you want and take measures to realize your dreams
Discover and appreciate the abundance around you
Celebrate your life
Count your blessings

Do not try to enforce your view or opinion on someone else. The situation differently look provide and you can "to contradict votes." Consider areas in your life that you other judgments are-if it is destructive and alienating people from your life become aware. You want to know more and wisdom.

Everywhere, where it falls on your diagram will be a time for growth and learning.

It falls into my 6th House work and service, and I'm planning to take my business to a whole new level. A much wider level than ever before, and while it feels like a leap of faith, it is also very exciting. I may be some areas that I think, are of interest for many people a very large issue of combating are: for example, the Mayan calendar, Atlantis, esoteric Astrology, to name a few. This is lighting a light on the way, as I can people bring together far and wide, astrology in new and exciting and expansive ways - so that we, opinions can share views, insights and ideas. He pushes me out of my comfort zone and forces to consider me to be a bigger picture for the astrology and service for people all over the world. Sagittarius is the teacher and mentor, and that is exactly what I plan to do in the next few weeks. So this full moon and Lunar Eclipse comes to a wonderful time and the energy of this configuration will help me expand out quickly and effectively.

Where is this full moon and the Lunar Eclipse in the chart? Maybe it's in your fourth House of home and family. This indicates at least a six-month period or longer here you will find it to balance between your home to find life and your work. You can move to another country, such as contactors long-haul travel rule and moves. Or perhaps it is in your eleventh House friends and dreams. This could mean that you make some wonderful new friends in the next few months, people who recommend that you expand into new areas that you never thought that you would explore. These friendships, which they have the restrictive and are constrictiva to delete relationships may be roadside make room for further strengthening.
Barbara Goldsmith, professional astrologer for over 30 years are personal readings for customers worldwide.
It has a loyal following on you tube with their free monthly horoscopes.
Author of astrology was the elements - simple, physical and metaphysical astrology, manual for the survival of the global financial crisis.
Also a brings qualified financial advisor, they a unique blend in the field of astrology with its intuitive astrological know and their practical experience.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Introduction to Porutham

People have tried the best decision possible, because marriage is a vow which cannot be broken. The Hindus 'Star fit' or 'Porutham'practice marriage Alliance. It the horoscopes is an essential requirement for a marriage Alliance, where they compare both the young and the girls, who are planning to marry. It is believed, that better match the stars, the better compatibility between the two characters and the deeper the intimacy of the pair, the culminating in a permanent marriage.

The parents of the couple in the light of marriage and the oldest of the two families gather and follow a method, whether the horoscope of the young and the girl match. This method was by ancient sages, based on the birth of stars and 'JanaM Rashis' or ' Moon characters ' of the pair in question and is called the Koota agreement. Here, of twenty one points for the girl and the young, eight or ten for the matching apply. According to an old study, there are twenty four stars in the oval configuration of the Zodiac (Nakshatras) and nine planets (Navgrahas) by the signs of the Zodiac astral influences on people crossed. Porutham keeps the natural tendencies of the young and girls based on the charts, and accordingly the marriage of the two can be voted on. The following five games out of ten are considered as important: Ganam, Rajju, Dhinam, Raasi and Yoni and of these five, Rajju and Dhinam are the most important.

A chart drawn up and made agreements between the couple to the best possible Koota included, then listed. It is divided into twelve columns. In the diagram, the first column contains the name of the man Star (any twenty rated four stars that can belong to him). The second column has the Moon sign of the young or his JanaM Rashi. In the next ten columns there are sorted out, ten different agreements between the woman and the man's stars, which then missing than average with three subcategories of Dosham (A), (-), bath (B) or good (G) be categorized. A good agreement receives a point for simple calculation, average agreement gets half a point and bad agreement is no sense given. Accordingly calls accumulation by seven points or more valued as a very good Alliance in the last column between five and seven points means average and five points means a bad Alliance.

Author is a content developer for the portal Visit for more information about Porutham and Porutham online review and marriage compatibility to find, please

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Success in the Nordic astrology - the role of Thor

In the Nordic astrology, Thor is display one of three planets, the success and performance in life (represented by the planet Mars). The other two planets are Tyr (Saturn) and Freyr (Jupiter). Thor is the strength to triumph over enemies and obstacles. He is our willingness and for hard work, especially physical effort. Thor means our ability to break down barriers. It shows our willingness to face challenges. Although there similarities between the Norse Thor and Graeco-Roman Mars, overall, Thor is a more pro social archetype as Mars.

Since Thor has an affinity with the day-East House of Nordic astrology, we see also that octant of the solar circle for the effort, struggle and confrontation necessary for success.

Our first Nordic horoscope show the role of Thor is the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Thor is the Rune of death and Transfiguration, Eihwaz. In addition, it is Thor in weakness, the night-West House, the House of weakness and secrets. And as if that were not enough, Loki (Uranus), the planet of the disruption (and creation) is associated with Thor. All this shows the hardships (polio, childhood accident, chronic pain), which they had to endure. With Thor makes made was against this fate and stunning artwork. Thor is by far the most aspected planet in their horoscope. Their house day East (so) contains three feminine planets - Freyja, Frigga (Venus) and the Norns (Neptune), which draw attention to the revolutionary feminist quality of their work. The primary Rune in the day-East House is Dagaz Rune of transcendence and transformation, showing how she transformed by their art.

Thor of French President Nicolas Sarkozy will be charged less. Here, Thor is cooperation, adaptability and mobile energy in Ehwaz, the Rune, and this is an apt description as he rose to the ranks of his party President will be. Thor is House, the House of the opposition and conflict in the West, and Sarkozy is no stranger to opposition. In some ways his provoke enemies very actions. Thor is associated with the passion, the ever search Odin (Moon)- and idealistic, aspire Heimdal (Northern declination of the Moon), and this subtlety of its energy and efforts added. Thurisaz, which emphasizes all the attributes of Thor contain his house day East, Thor Rune. The day-East House contains also rich Freyr (Jupiter), the success of his efforts, guaranteed, and disruptive Loki, the controversy ignites.

Thor in entertainer Michael Jackson horoscope is powerful and subtle. Thor is on the cusp between Laguz (the vitality, subconscious, concealment) and Yngvi (masculine energy by the female). We see with both sophistication and strength in his performances manifesting the power of Thor. In addition, Thor in the East House itself, so the Thor power part is his very being. Trine of Frigga, which the family has the Presidency, shows the important role played in his family to develop his talents. Odin, the viewfinder is in the day-East House, that he always trying new techniques and styles, and shows the close coordination of its efforts to the primary day East Rune of Ehwaz.

In the three above horoscopes, we see a deficiency in the Graeco-Roman interpretation of Mars. For Frida Kahlo, Mars is in his boost in the constellation capricornus. This should have specified temporal power. But rather, their efforts were constantly hindered, and it only achieved recognition after her death. Mars is in his reign, RAM for Nicolas Sarkozy. This makes it strong enough, but there is an abrupt and abrasive style that never could have served him well in French politics. And Michael Jackson, Mars is in its detriment in Taurus. We would expect, inertia and sloth from this position, but were his appearances the opposite.

Copyright (c) 2011 ALT horoscopes, LLC

Franz-Josef star studied Greco-Roman Astrology for more than 30 years and the Nordic myth for over 15 years. It offers Astrology Norse for individuals, know the psychological and intellectual from a northern European perspective. By ALT horoscopes, LLC, Franz Josef Stern offers alternatives for those unsatisfied with conventional astrological disciplines.

Learn more about Norse Astrology!

Get your own personal Norse horoscope!

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Astrology of the soul

Today, the science of astrology in a sense has violated request, found by the quick and easy sound-bite of information and a basic focus for one in many periodicals, astrology, which only takes into account the position of the Sun and not the full natal chart.

A natal chart is duplicated for 25,000 years, because all planets with different speeds around the Sun on the road. A full birth chart which considered the character positions all the planets, the axis which the individual born, who was active node, the eclipses and so on. The paradox is that while we live in a time of enormous amounts of superficial media friendly information flow the constantly; It is now possible to calculate the complex mathematical astrological material quickly and easily.

The heavens have always fascinated the human imagination and attention. The presence of the patterns and cycles revealed a reality to our ancestors, the existence of a designer and for this reason were the sky observed and studied by the ancient cultures implies. She saw in the sky to learn detect in harmony with the cycles of nature to life and a practical method that form could give the philosophy "as above, so".

As far as we know astrology, first religion developed, thousands of years ago, when she observed that events on Earth to heavenly phenomena could be correlated of mankind by the ancient Babylonians. This knowledge was passed on to the Persians, the Egyptians, and then on to India and America, development and change itself at every stage of history.

It is only quite recently that the hard science of astronomy is the study of the observable universe and the study of astrology, which is the interpretation of the universe on Human Affairs, gone separate ways.

In astrology, your life is closely linked to distinguish the sky at the time of your birth with the celestial activities. A horoscope is a certain card, setting out the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets, and the characters that are floated on the horizon at your birth, detect complex mathematical relationships that portray your personal blueprint and development potential. This card can reveal your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual gifts and challenges. Always bearing in mind of course your own free will to choose the gifts exercise or take these challenges.

Particularly noteworthy and is part of the new astrology of today focus points which reveal, check what many astrologers, calls for our soul or these deeper underlying drives, which can sit below the level of the obvious personality. The places are hubs, nodes are where the path of the Earth and the Moon cut in the North and South. In the North and South nodes are sometimes called, the head and tail of the sky Dragon and the location of the sky Dragon in your diagram is of the utmost importance, because it shows the direction in which as also the place where you head of arise.

Jan Spiller, an astrologer and a New York is distilled one of the proponents of this approach times best selling author of the book "Astrology of the soul" the 20 years of their work.

In their words;
"Astrology, has, when explored from a psychological or scientific level, nothing to do with the faith..." "It has to do, know how to win and doing experiments"

Your personal views, these new directions in astrology, interesting and thought provoking read what do whatever.

Kristen Jones

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

The eclipses are coming - triple-play - summer 2011

June 1 June 15th, and on 1 July 2011

This summer, eclipses can only to crawl and surprise us. Things could start with some unexpected pleasures or opportunities, but before they are finished, we can us fight, to choose along. We can not really all on the eclipses guilt, as it will BREW outer planet trouble at about the same time. But each of 3 eclipses are also increasingly problematic.

Eclipses usually come in pairs and usually twice a year we three have but this summer in consequential-bang, bang, boom! Eclipses bring changes, and zero-tolerance strategy natal chart determines our, which areas of our lives will be affected. Eclipses can be the best determinant of predictive astrology. In other words, if one year ahead, you check to see where that land upcoming eclipses. Its the easiest way to quickly glance at someone's astrological future.

Our first Eclipse are a partial solar eclipse on the June 1st at 3: 50 am EDT. There will be at 11 degrees 3 minutes in. Of course this Eclipse will effect Gemini and Sagittarius, but will it affect also all air sign, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. This is because this Eclipse on a very narrow, very positive aspect will be the Saturn in the Libra. This will help, the scattered Gemini in our personality bring patients and perseverance. Since eclipses bring changes and rules work Saturn hard, we can say that we get some long overdue rewards for our last efforts. We may also use work to start positive changes in our lives.

The next Eclipse is a total lunar eclipse on 15 June 4:12 PM EDT at 24 degrees 22 minutes in the Sagittarius at. This Eclipse will not make all aspects of each home planet, and there are no other planetary influences on. So, everything that we are exceptional at that time definitely attributable to the Eclipse can. Total eclipses have more "Umph" as a partial, so it happens will changes. Often people find difficult and unpleasant change, and we don't like it! With this Eclipse happens in Sagittarius, we be expected can something new to learn, perhaps for the job or we can only say that there is an air of pessimism about. It can remain the flexible also problems with neighbours, computer, our vehicles and travel, so you try.

As I mentioned, these eclipses are getting worse, and this last will be the grand finale. It will be a partial solar eclipse on July 1st at 4: 38 am EDT 9 degrees 12 minutes cancer. Obviously this Eclipse has cancer and Capricorn, but there are also problems in the scales and Aries (all cardinal signs). This Eclipse will be Saturn in the Libra, and 9 of the 10 most important planet in our solar system at a very negative aspect to one aspect to each other. This is a lot of excitement at once. Bring the Eclipse itself could be issues and changes in the relationship and at home. It could be marriage a / or family matters and there financial or even health problems may (above all stress related health problems). The other planetary problems can actually strengthen the Eclipse energy, and they can problems that cause in other areas of our lives, including criminal behavior and repressed anger. But there are also a potential for large windfall in business, gambling, and even love. As a result of this positive potential can actually find those who can get under pressure, are this Eclipse energy is to reward them.

And that is the end of our summer trio. The eclipses return in November and December to geminis and have again to disrupt. If you want to know more about how these eclipses will affect you, contact your favorite astrologers. Even a few minutes with an astrologer you can make learn more about yourself and your chart as you.

Janet (Sparrow) Moon is a professional psychic and astrologer. Visit their website for more articles about upcoming events in the astrology and your daily astrology forecast to read general trends. (This article can be published freely online, as long as the entire article and this bio is included.)

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Success in the Nordic astrology - the role of Freyr

In Nordic astrology, Freyr is display one of three planets, the success and performance in life (represented by the planet Jupiter). The other two planets are Tyr (Saturn) and Thor (MARS). Freyr's abandoned wealth of humanity. He shows the simple or difficulties with the money and property purchase. It indicates how effective we affect our will in the world - as we bring people, institutions and events around us to prosperity. In addition, it indicates how we are involved in Affairs of the world.

Freyr has an affinity with the day House of Nordic astrology, we see also that octant of the solar circle for our success, achievements, glory and worldly involvement.

Our first Nordic horoscope is for actor/Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger chart Freyr in the House is weakened West night. Freyr has also a Trine from independent Skadhi. But Freyr Schwarzenegger is located in one of the most difficult runes representing magenta, the rigid structure and unexpected interruptions. There are no planets in the day House, and the House primary Rune, maternal Berkano is not conducive to worldly success. Point all aspects, to hard work, not lucky enough to achieve success. And it was with that the hard work, German-speaking immigrants was one in a position, a world-class bodybuilder, become Governor, businessman and actor.

For others a more powerful position of Freyr for easier success made. Freyr is Wynn, the Rune of harmony and wish fulfillment for entertainer Michael Jackson. His future in the entertainment was assured family born, and the company of the other African-American entertainers in a conversation. Wynn shows also the pleasure which its entertainment brought his audience. However, as Freyr is again on the night of West House, and Furthermore, in connection of the Norns, the examples above planet of destiny and restriction is. We see how he was almost fated size, but the success was also a factor in his downfall.

Actress and model Marilyn Monroe is Freyr's glorious Sowilo, Rune of the solar wheel, Flash, and the magic will. The effect of the Sowilo may be as temporary, as it is overwhelming, and, which aptly describes their meteoric rise in fame and her sudden death. This effect is along with Odin (Moon), which emphasizes eternal, restless travellers by Freyr. Two female planets in the day House, Frigga (Venus), and Hel, made them a world model of femininity.

Copyright (c) 2011 ALT horoscopes, LLC

Franz-Josef star studied Greco-Roman Astrology for more than 30 years and the Nordic myth for over 15 years. It offers Astrology Norse for individuals, know the psychological and intellectual from a northern European perspective. By ALT horoscopes, LLC, Franz Josef Stern offers alternatives for those unsatisfied with conventional astrological disciplines.

Learn more about Norse Astrology!
Get your own personal Norse horoscope!

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Love, astrology and Karma: as the universe fans and life conspires to connect!

Do you believe in the karma of love? The spiritual connection between two people, the service life exceeds? If you have experienced the close to amazing, almost inexplicable, which may be to love someone so deeply, it is not difficult jump to this love can be more than a lifetime. Whether you are religious, or simply romantic, the idea that we in this world a spiritual come with other half or potential partners we took long before this life, is a popular concept in the most traditional spiritual traditions and new age thought alike.

For example?

Kaballah or the "mystical" interpretation of much halakhah believes that every soul "is divided into two halves" if physical form is born. The subsequent search for the "Beshert" or spiritual soulmate is a very important part of Jewish life and love... and the practice of the opinion that the universe or the higher levels of existence hold the key to the answers of life, love, karma, and connection.

What's with other religions or belief systems?

Almost all have a rich history and teaching on the tradition of the soulmates and spiritual partnership to overcome the lifetime. But the simple truth is, the belief in karma, and the amazing way that the universe conspires us teaching lessons about who have love, my life in a incredible way transform when you open your heart, and enters the power and potential, the.

Here is a great example:

In his series of books of the national best selling books on karma, love and spiritual progress as "only love is real", Dr. Brian Weiss, a Harvard psychiatrist trained stumbled across a strange therapy technique that seemed to solve almost all of his patients relationship problems: he declined you with hypnosis to previous life... where they many of the same people, that she had relationship problems with today found. What started as an accident, was the sole focus of his psychiatric practice for 20 years afterwards.

Marriages and love affairs that were problematic in this life he had found its origins in other incarnations. Also parents and siblings relationship problems were, have found its origins in previous "life", where similar dynamics (often vice-versa) were in the game.

And if you think that there a number of "Bed" or not... is the simple truth, had this bizarre therapy! Patients showed that confronted, and marital problems then fix in a previous lifetime, while fallen... an incredible and almost immediate way, problems in their current one was to overcome.


Because they realized that their soul mate... or spiritual partner were special "souls" that they were here with grow with parts and learn. And, that the problems which confronted them compared to the universal great plan for each one of us who continue to develop were very small, teachings, and strive for a State of pure love and bliss.

Here is exactly what I have learned about love, the universe and my own spiritual progress:

We choose each rules to a certain extent, the cycle and circumstances, the our lives. (the astrological elements of this incarnation)

We want to select the relationships and we are spiritual partner to heal, to help and to grow with

Everything is a matter of choice. There are no fixed results or static extensions which are carved in stone.

That which we now find out not... must be revisited in the future...:-) Problems with a parent or a spouse, if not addressed and overcome now, stay in our karma "Connection" and not by it only works on a large cosmic style and stage is procrastinating.

Finally - and I really believe this, the only thing that is really important, love. How much you can be... and of course, hopefully, you feel how much in return. Everything else, is sound and noise, as Shakespeare said pretty much means nothing.

Only love is real. THAT learn a lesson, and the stars will be on you, I promise smile..:-)

Find your spiritual soulmate here!

Possibility to enable your karmic love connection , without even leaving the simplest your home (100% guaranteed!)

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Zodiac signs - Libra

Astrology has always been an interesting topic. Whether you it religiously follow, or read your horoscope for fun. There is a definite fun aspect. Although even your character as entertainment read, there are some attributes that seem the more than random.

The seventh sign of the Zodiac comes in the form of Libra. Represented by the Libra, the scales offer balance, even in the midst of chaos. Libra seeks peace in situations of life. As such, it is easy for people on the scales as a peace maker look. Libra is the quiet under the life energy.

Libra is one of the cardinal signs. A cardinal sign refers to the middle of the season, when the moderate season at its peak. The scales is the mountain or the hinge, fall, or fall. Libra is seen as a powerful, dynamic, and the lead. On the other hand can be seen as controlling and demanding Cardinal signs.

Libra is considered by Venus. The trains of the planet in astrology promotes Libra love and beauty. So much so, Venus passion channel in Libras life can. This same passion leads looking for harmony. For Libra born passion only really flows when harmony is sought. Love and harmony can only be searched without conflicts.

This the Libra function from within the characters born in therapy and social work. It is Libra, fail despite at times ruthless viewed pages. This is a result of people not want to offend. With a need for peace encounter them as a skilled listener and Problemlöser.

With anything in life, a disadvantage to born under Libra. Despite the relaxing way to the character, a social creature breeds the characters. Libra can sit back and see the show, but they would rather surrounded by people.

Libra is an air sign. Like the scales of Libra, air is looking for balance. Air provides the clarity of mind, the Libra has in abundance. Like other air sign, Libra is subject to the spirit. Like the air, Libra offers attentive observer and clever thinking. And much like the air of Libra is flexible. So you s.o. to make a new point of view a situation.

From now on, so, it is the subject of compliance. It is to think that Libra born are strangely not compatible with others in Libra. This is relaxed attitude on the double dose. See the nature of the air, gets along with Gemini and Aquarius Libra. Both characters complete the Libra need to talk about things. As two friends, two versions of the same argument type. Fire signs, such as Aries, Leo and Sagittarius offer a mirror.

Essentially Libra keeps the peace, one can give to other page argument. Dear challenges nor you intellectually. Libra is the sign which could inspire you the most.

Http:// you with more information about the scales.

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Russian, Arabic and Jewish Hebrew Numerology and German umlauts

Numerology is an ancient system of precise information about a single soul and their specific reasons for incarnating on Earth to decode. When decoding charts for the Jewish Hebrew Numerology, it is important for Russian, Arabic and German communities, follow some basic guidelines as follows:


First of all, it is important to establish the right of the Arabic alphabet are used for the person their numerology chart to decode. There are a few variations on the Arabic alphabet, where some variations include a small number of additional letters. The Arabic alphabet consists mainly of 28 letters. The country or region is birthplace generally indicate which variation use. The Arabic alphabet is written from right to left and the numerology chart should be decoded always assign numerical values to the alphabet with this in mind. The letters of the Arabic alphabet are as follows pronounced and associated with the following numeric values: 1 = Alif, 2 = BAA, TAA = 3, 4 = thaa, Jimm = 5, H-aa = 6, 7 = XAA, Daal = 8, 9 = Thaal, RAA 1 =, 2 = Zaay, Siin = 3 Shiin = 4, Saad = 5, 6 = DAAD, T-aa = 7, 8 = T-HAA, 9 = Ain, Ghayn = 1, 2 = Faa'a, 3 = Qaaf, Kaaf = 4, Lââm = 5, Miim = 6Nuun = 7, 8 = HAA, 9 = Waaw, yaa = 1


Hebrew language is also the Jewish script and consists of 22 letters. As in the Arabic alphabet, it is written to the left from right. The letters of the Hebrew alphabet are as follows pronounced and the following numeric values assigned to, if a person numerology chart decoding: = 1 alef, bet = 2, Gimel = 3, Dalet = 4, he = 5, VAV = 6, 7 = Zay, 8 = het, Tet = 9, Yod = 1, 2 = coffee, lamed = 3, mem = 4, nun = 5, Samekh = 6, 7 = Ajin, 8 = PE, Tzaddi = 9, QOF = 1, Resh = 2, 3Tav = Shin = 4


The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters and is a shortened variant of the Cyrillic alphabet and is written from left to right. Russian letters are as follows pronounced and the following numeric values assigned to, if a person numerology chart decoding: A = 1, 2, ve = be = 3, GE = 4, de = 5, 6 = ye, Yo = 7, zhe = 8, 9 = Ze, I = 1, short I = 2, Ka = 3, 4 = El, em = 5, 6 = en, O = 7, 8 = PE, he = 9, it = 1, 2U = Te = 3, EF = 4, 5 = Kha, TSE = 6, 7 = Che, Sha = 8, 9 = Shcha, 1 = yer, ? = 2, square = 3 E­ = 4, 5 = Yu, ya = 6


There is lot of MIS-information on the application of the use of umlauts Ä, Ö, Ü and ß the letter when the apply these German numerology. Because umlauts were historically formed by the merger a vowel with an E, such as for example, A with e equal to Ä, many Numerologists recommend assigning A = 1 and E = 5 and combines them for letter Ä equal to 6. This is completely false. Umlauts "separate" letters are complete and have placed one after the other with their queue its own vibrational energy in the alphabet. If you many the "Numerology free calculator" on the Internet, and give you call a name with umlauts, the numeric value of the name will be completely wrong. They are not the right vibration of the queue order placed in German script, which consists of 30 letters and fit even not misplaced proposal of some Numerologists the vowel with the combine our research in the decoding the soul charts of many German citizens with umlauts has born on their behalf to our findings, the umlauts Ä, Ö, UE and letter-ß, if this German Numerology should use always the following numeric value, without exception are assigned: A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4, E = 5, F = 6, G = 7, H = 9 = 8ICH, J = 1, K = 2, L = 3, M = 4, N = 5, O = 6, 7 = P, Q = 8, F = 9, S = 1, T = 2, 3 = U, V = 4, W = 5, X = 6, Y = 7, Z = 8, 9 = Æ, Ö = 1, Ü = 2, 3 = ß

Glen Russell is a spiritual counselor and esoteric Numerologist, the aim of which is it, to help achieve their teaching life on a spiritual level. Glen can decode your divine soul plan, a 40 page hardcover document that contains information about the specific reasons your soul has decided on Earth to embody, for a small fee of $25 at the following site:

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

2011 All relationships in the spotlight

Two high-profile relationship are stories in the news.

This is not a coincidence. We are in a universal emotional month - may, 2011 vibrates at 9.

9 can you share, thoughts and feelings, you are no longer used.

And this year your feelings focuses on all types of relationships in your life. Romantic, social, occupational, mentor student and family relationships.

Never before have we had the opportunity to mix the peace and the cooperation of number 2 with the release of Division symbolised by the number 11. Your key to happy relations reflected in the figures '2011'.

If you feel that your heart hurt, you know, that it be opened again. It doesn't always. Think back unconditional love first and love will remember always to you.

Their chance to love and experience love is endless.

It does not matter if a person you love loves you back. Someone else in response to your thoughts, feelings and actions can not be controlled. ALL that matters is that you focused, honest, remain powerful and loving in your relationships.

Then, you'll be amazed at how love and joy and peace fill your life.

Let the concern to feel that you have other oscillating your feelings. Let your fear of being alone.

If you attack other, you know that all attacks only a cry for help. Nothing else.

What is you in the world, what you get in return.

Think so clear about what you want. Your mind starts all creation with. Thoughts are the seeds of creation. Closely see your thoughts.

Put your creative, positive thoughts into words.

Words are incredibly manifestations of thought. Write your thoughts on paper. Speak loudly.

3. Process of creation is action. Action is manifest your words.

In 2011, the speed with which you your thoughts and words manifest, is truly remarkable. This is because number 2011 reduced to 4 - a powerful manifestation.

If humanity from around 1900 in the years following 2000 passed, began a major change in the consciousness.

We shifted to understand our connection with the world around us with priority to us. To embrace network of all.

Their lives are above all others whose lives you touch. Be solid and honest about it all, who you are. By focusing in balanced power is reflected in the number 2011, which is anchored by a 2 at both ends, you will see how you treat others is how you handle yourself.

However, if you encounter the number 2 as uncertainty and confusion and the 11 as duality and separation, you will feel as split in two and incomplete.

Make changes with everything, what is in the opposition, who want to be. Make peace with your "perceived" enemies. Every person, every thing every situation and event in your life is a reflection of you.

11 brings us always decisions. What you choose, experience.

Do think, speak and act your largest integrity only from your highest truth. The word "Integrity" means "intact, all" inseparable from source code.

Tania Gabrielle - Celebrity Numerologist, AstroNumerologist, composer, and writer - is a regular guest on radio shows around the world. Their findings were of the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, ESPN Magazine, essence and US magazines published. She writes a very popular free current events e-newsletter.

View the original article here

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The astrological forecast for June contains a Sun and Eclipse, and the summer solstice 2011

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Today you will find me rumbling my way through lots of different ideas and subjects in alignment with the Gemini spirit. With the longest day of the year and the shortest night in the Northern hemisphere mid summer is upon us once again marked by the summer solstice.

Dancing around bonfires, celebrations of the communion between heaven and earth have been honored by many cultures especially by the pagan, Celtic or druid traditions. Even nowadays it is a special day to celebrate and many people are coming together at sacred spots around the world like Stonehenge and Avebury. Midsummer is thought of as a time of magic when the forces of the light are at their strongest.

As you can tell there is a lot going on in the heavens and accordingly in your life. There are always special times in your life when you reach a threshold of consciousness and things just don't work the old way any more. You have to decide if you want to move forward into a new direction or sit down on your path and try to avoid life which never works very well. The only thing we know for sure is that life is impermanent and in constant flux and motion. If we stop growing we start dying, it is as simple as that. With astrology we can see those special times coming and act according to the flow of life.

One of those special times of new Beginnings are the Solar and Lunar Eclipses.

This month starts off with a Solar Eclipse on June 1 in Gemini and five planets and the South Node are moving on into Gemini. We will be talking about Gemini, lots of Gemini...talking a lot and then some more, going here and there to give you the taste of this versatile, vocal sign.

A Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Whenever we see an accumulation of planets in one sign, also called stellium, you know to pay good attention to the subject. What has Gemini to offer to you?

First of all Gemini is the most mentally oriented air sign ruled by Mercury. With a Solar Eclipse in Gemini a new way of thinking and communicating with each other is emerging in our consciousness. As you can tell tremendous changes in the way we connect have evolved.

For example not many people write letters anymore. Why would you if you can email somebody in a heart beat and have a response immediately for free? Now the new trend is sending SMS, Twitter or to write on Facebook because you can do it from you mobile phone while waiting in a doctor's office or riding in the bus.

Some Thoughts About the Electronic Age

Nowadays everybody seems to be on the phone with some kind of electronic activity. I am curious do you still read books? How much time of your day do you spend on your TV, computer, phone, and other electronic devices? Remember how your life was just ten years ago? I am not complaining; this is the new way of life and it has a lot of advantages.

But the shadow side of Gemini is a disembodied view of life, living life just from the perspective of our limited monkey minds. You might ask yourself how much real connection from heart to heart is happening in your live or that of your kids? For that it will take conscious awareness in using these new technologies in a beneficial, timely way. And you can choose to turn it off once in a while.

An astrology client of mine mentioned that she stays of all devices even the telephone over the weekend. It gave me a moment of pause. Thinking about it I realized how this is a wonderful way to create some space for other activities to happen.

I do believe that the cup of tea with your girl friend or friend will not go out of fashion because there is something in that in person connection which cannot be replaced by technology. A good cry or hug in your friend's arms when you need it is most healing and nourishing.

Five Planets in Gemini

Last month after a time of focus onto the physical realities of life, our finances and the bigger ecological picture we are now moving on into a new subject and with that the energy will be much lighter and flexible for a while. With the Sun, the New Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury in the air sign of Gemini most of June will be governed by an attitude maybe of mental aloofness or a more objective perspective.

Gemini is the sign of the scientist, the communicator, the story teller, the witness or curious butterfly. Geminis are usually very easy to get along with. They know many people and have many stories to tell. Here is one of mine.

Being born on May 21 when I was young I always thought I was a Gemini and I could well identify with it. I was always a social being, loved my big circle of friends, and was a veracious reader even as a very young child. If I had to choose between companionship on a desolated island or a kindle with internet connection; I don't know what I would choose. Books mean the world for me. Other people's thoughts and stories enchant me and I feel inspired.

Then later when I got into astrology it turned out my Sun was at the very end of Taurus and not in Gemini but my Ascendant was Gemini. Luckily I got to keep my self-identity intact and learned to discover other aspects of my personality. Over the years a very spiritual journey of self-inquiry and getting to know myself better unfolded.

For me astrology has been a wonderful vehicle to learn more about myself and consciously evolve and grow into higher potentials. Especially in difficult times with the perspective of astrology I have always felt supported in facing my dragons because I would see the bigger evolutionary picture... and when it would be over.

The highlights of the month are:

• New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Gemini June 1

• Mercury in Gemini June 2

• Jupiter in Taurus June 4

• Venus in Gemini June 9

• Sun conjunction Mercury June 12

• Mercury in Cancer June 16

• Mars in Gemini June 20 & Mars square Neptune June 22

• Sun entering Cancer June 21

• Venus square Neptune June 10

• Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius June 15

• Summer solstice June 21

• Sun opposition Pluto June 27 Sun square Uranus June 26

Sun and Mercury Entering Cancer

Towards the end of the month we finally can get back into the inner world of feelings and reconnect with our emotional guidance system. If Gemini acts from his head Cancer reacts from his belly. If we have lived the high road with Gemini and focused on worthwhile thoughts in a meaningful way we will experience happy feelings now. You can guide your feeling experience by a conscious choice of focus. Are you dwelling on your problems or are you looking for solutions. What feels better?

Cancer is the sign of home and family. It needs commitment and bonding to feel happy.

This month you will become aware how much you care and want to contribute. You feel like a part of a bigger organism which can be your family or chosen family of friends. Giving and receiving might become equally important and good feeling. Consider to enrich your life with a cat or a dog you can adopt in your pet shelter. Find a way to volunteer and help others who have a harder time than you. That will be very satisfying.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius June 15

This Full Moon in Sagittarius is a Lunar Eclipse and is exposing the shadow side of the New Moon Solar Eclipse. It is a time of contemplation of the bigger picture. Only a more philosophical view can give the frantic energy of Gemini a higher meaning.

While a Solar Eclipse is kind of rebooting our consciousness and lifting it to a new level of functioning, a Lunar Eclipse is activating material from our unconsciousness. Buried emotions rise to the surface and give new meaning to our thoughts and actions.

You could allow that to happen and try out a devices weekend fast without any mental input through TV, computer or other devices. Or you could even try for a week just in your free time. If you do it with you family you will come up with very different, creative ways to spend your free time. You might play cards or scrabble, tell stories or go out together. It will provide a pattern interruption and enrich your life.

Jupiter Steps into Taurus June 4

Jupiter is carrying his optimism and good luck into physical matters. There will be chances to take advantage of financial opportunities and you have the option to step up to the plate and focus on where you want to go in this "damn economy".

All in all it will be an interesting month with many inspiring ideas, maybe traveling, socializing, meeting new people, and learning new things. Don't be too concerned with figuring it all out. This month is made to inspire and uplift you into new thoughts and will start you into a new dimension of your life.

I hope you will have a wonderful month, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

Shakti Carola Navran has been an evolutionary astrologer, published author and now columnist for Maui Weekly. In her astrological practice she has been giving readings for people from all over the world for 33 years in person, through Skype or on the phone.

Her approach is with the perspective of Evolutionary Astrology which reads the psycho-dynamic information of your chart in the bigger frame of the evolution of your soul - your karma. It usually goes very deep and can give you a very significant perspective onto yourself and your life.

On her blog you will find her Astrological Weather Report and you can sign up for her free monthly astrological overview.

Call her in Hawaii: 808 878 8182

View the original article here

Monday, July 18, 2011

Phone readings Tarot: do this before calling a telephone Tarot reader ("but not on" it!)

Do you think a telephone Tarot Reading via the get? Curious Tarot over the telephone, compared to someone face to face see how much is different? It is more difficult to read, interpret, or position the cards? And what are the advantages of having a Tarot-Reading "Blind" done? (i.e. - you not in the same do with space as the mental, intuitive or clairvoyant the actual reading) If you all as I once was, and should a passionierter all psychic, intuitive and just only "cool" to explore, a Tarot Reading tops on your list of mental experience have.

But for me, even after many really open eye and enlightening readings, the idea of investing in a phone-Tarot session seemed a little from the realistic radar. Why? Because it was difficult to conceive how the Tarot cards, without my presence is considered how those could be as accurate, for me that I "handpicked" in person.

Sounds familiar? If Yes... I'll tell you why I learned that the actual opposite is true, and why, when possible, today... I prefer to get that done psychic readings by phone and this includes also the Tarot.

First..., but the only thing you need to do before the call to a phone card readings:

Do a little bit of due diligence investigation. Read some reviews. Check for continuity and coherence in the networks or individual familär those that you are the choice. (I like to a track record of 5 years of lectures, and satisfied customers and caller... see and if possible, a decade or longer continuous service)

But while I, that you do your due diligence recommend you want to not overdo it either! I have met people, and have people who read our psychic blogs, the weeks picking call a psychic, spend. What a waste of time! Why spend weeks in "analysis paralysis if if you pick a Tarot reader or psychic network, which offers 100% money-back guarantee ' s..." You do not so worry a cent risk when the reading is bad. (because they immediately your money back will give you as a matter of policy)

So do psychic one not on the process of picking. Only diving, and enjoy!

Well... the reason I prefer phone readings Tarot both traditional psychological sessions?

I find that they are much more authentic, pure and "real". I have many Readings Tarot card personally, and I'm just a little bit uncomfortable. You can not determine whether the reader details include body language is or your reactions to read, or simply rates on your age, appearance and attitude based. While reading a phone because everything is "blind", it is to read a purity is the PALPABLE and it's much easier to let their guard down and open.

Are you ready to try one out for yourself? You do this, if, before your next reading of Tarot.

Insert a small budget of 10-40 $. I don't care how good the reviews are never invest a lot of money in an initial reading, until you are sure that you are a good mutual agreement. (because personality, rapport and relationship between two people is the key to a clairvoyant connection point)

Write a couple of questions that are most important to you before the read operation starts. (I like 5 critical questions written down, before the call starts... If I can get answers to 4 of them, I'm happy!)

Lighten UP and relax! This is another reason that I prefer the phone. The truth is, so many people so that reading from is the Rails, and is not fun for everyone are stressed about talking to a psychic. Keep in mind, this should be, and a little levity a positive experience and laugh and light Twente are read much better all unvergesslicher to boot much more enjoyable and a whole lot!

Warning: Non "Snookered" by FAKE get over again psychic readings! Go here for an amazing psychic reading , you won't ever forget! (100% Guaranteed!)

View the original article here

The month of cancer, 2011

The Zodiac months in advance: Emotional jumps

What we all July can expect June to 23 from the forecast of our planetary heavens of 21.

A MEDITATION for cancer ~ John Jocelyn

Sensitivity, receptivity and selectivity by the mental powers of the feeling of the real essence of cancer, are for the source and the center of the human faculty of sentient remains here.

Sun enters cancer-21 June

Cancer provides the collective the cardinal energy that runs through the element water. How we initiate one more season, spend their time on the intuition and receptivity are preferred. The crab urges us to reflect and Sun in a revealing nature. Our mother assured Moon, we have that ability, and our feelings are cosy, with a sense of family and environments find fun in our House. Cancer has the innate ability to maintain and is also the expert when it comes to providing for others. Are provoked to protect them, what they value while it is best to do stifle with a to avoid energy their paternal instinct.

Solar Eclipse in cancer 01 July 4:38 pm

Our Eclipse season we come to the conclusion as celebrate new moon on 01 July, shortly after a cancer on the 09 degree solar eclipse. This makes new beginnings and a source of energy for a number of months seen, the resulting from this area of life. Everywhere, where the crab is your Zodiac-pie, assured that this Lunation packs an additional blow what ultimately new here would like to start. A well-developed is instinct and active imagination on the collective fingertips to strong feelings see environment where directly affect cancer of energies.

Mercury enters Leo 02 July

As mercury are traveling with the lion creative self sufficient and comprehensive energy on the collective mentality, and think expressed by 28 July. Communication be achieved by dignified and authoritative methods, while dogmatic reactions in this sphere of life should be avoided. Being that if flexibility is not our Messenger in a fixed energy as it can be so open. Development of humility and a sense of detail be Advisor to prevent stagnation of occur.

Venus enters cancer 03 July

Soon after a solar eclipse in cancer means harmony, the more flowers of the initiations you see be given here by, maternal and susceptible unfold by 28 July. Gentleness is able, maintain the new river of life spiral where the crab lives in your Zodiac pie. Affections on the collective are filled with romantic ideas and possibilities to find sentimental memories that can be appreciated in the future.

As cancer committed allows us himself in the rich emotional spiral, taking a leap of faith caused a necessary sensibility, bringing us feel at home in what the channel of a healthy imagination can be inspired.

At the young age of seven, Sharita was a student of the planets above and all the secrets of the universe. It is a psychic of the planets, for all stages of the astrological, numerological available and Lexigram analysis by readings and party services, available at: While living between New York City and Chatham, NY, her first book, "it's all in the name" free by Steiner books June 2011, in addition to hosting her own radio show, "What's your sign?" I have your number!'

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Zodiac signs - fish

Astrology has always been an interesting topic. Whether you it religiously follow, or read your horoscope for fun. There is a definite fun aspect. Although even your character as entertainment read, there are some attributes that seem the more than random.

PISCES is the twelfth sign of the zodiac. Symbolized by the swim two fish in different directions. On the development of a plan or proposal to go in the opposite direction only shows. It means a kind of tension between two ideas. It's almost like a Piscean with two different cakes is confronted. First of all to achieve, but ultimately the other food for a cake.

Seen as a modifiable sign is PISCES the bridge between the winter and spring seasons. Mobile and malleable, being changeable sees PISCES reflect options. On the surface is not unpredictable, if really fish. You want one thing, fish on the other option will convert.

First, the fish was ruled by Jupiter. However, since fish was supervised his discovery of Neptune. Neptune was the God of the sea Roman. Idealism and compassion is so deeply with Neptune and fish. Fraud riddle on the other hand, deception and confusion Neptune and fish. Seen sometimes with the ideas of hypnosis. Like the first cake, before deciding, better one.

Fish-born are seen as the poet of the zodiac. Which is appropriate since poetry can explore both directions of an idea. Allows a seal or any other form of writing, exploring their idealistic and much flight Fischegeborene view of life and the world. How is considered view as its own downfall.

PISCES contains one downside, like everything else. An emotional sign of the Zodiac, are the same emotions between the two sides vary. As a water sign, PISCES has emotions that run so deep like a river. Oh, this allows space for empathy and understanding through comparisons. Behind the indecision comes a deep emotional vein.

This results in the fact that a water sign is Pisces. Forever in constant flow as water. Shifting from one place to another. It is no wonder why to relocate Fischegeborene from an option to the contrary. After all are emotions such as water. Shift all over the place. PISCES represents this the essence.

With such emotions are there star sign, which is compatible with PISCES? Of course. Although Fischegeborene and so on need encouragement in their artistic endeavors. But other water characters (Scorpio and cancer) provide consolation for them. Earth signs are also compatible with fish, the fluidity of emotional ground for them.

Finally, I would like to say, fish shows the conflict of two emotional decisions. What whatever your choice, you know it is right. Seemingly flaky be, has hidden a Piscean as always perceived more levels.

Http:// you with more details of fish.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

New Moon in cancer, July 2011

New Moons are on a good time to focus seeding. Take a look at your chart, find the 9th level of cancer and you think you would like to express, in this area of your life. This is a good time to connect with your shade or lesser-known parts of yourself, and communicate. Get insights, and one very useful in your search for what you want.

For all the time on the impact is to think of cancer in your life.


June 22 - July 22

Element: Water

Modality: Cardinal

Rulers: the Moon

House: 4thHouse

Keywords: Feeling, home & family, care safety, intuition, more conservative, gentle,

Cancer is the energy of the roots, care, from whence we come and where we continue keep coming back to us.

In esoteric Astrology the soul enters first human life under the sign of cancer, which is the energy that connects you to the Earth. The crab Habitat is the element of water to the Earth element directly on the Bank link. In reincarnation, astrology cancer represents a new beginning, a digging in your roots, reliving your emotions in a straight forward; A life of repositioning with the energy of care.

The Moon is the ruler of cancer, all our emotional bonds. It answers where we feel comfortable, where we stay children forever, and more than anything else: where we feel safe. This energy can be overly sensitive, easily hurt and breed be vulnerable. On the flip side it is light, sympathetic to others and quickly to show affection to be. Cancer love protecting, but unless tempered, can suffocate.

Cancer is a cardinal signs, and therefore not passively. True, it may be no changes, and how does to blend into the environment, but cancer energy is very strong. Catch crabs with kindness and gentleness, but if that doesn't work, they are their only wish, how strong they are, and show you show claws. If you are threatening a lover or their home, you will see a great warrior. Therefore many types of cancer are so patriotic and are willing to fight for their country.

The new moon will take place on 11 July, 10: 53 GMT, 9th degree of cancer.

Shows the map of the new moon that the Sun-Moon connection in a T square is: opposing Pluto, indicating the ongoing battle between the forces of conservatism (cancer) and the forces that wipe out the old regime (Pluto in Capricorn). Uranus in Aries in the square to Pluto and the Sun/Moon adds fuel to the fire with the demand in new directions without thinking about what are the right ones.

Neptune in Trine to the Sun/Moon helps some tensions by helps us to imagine a better future, and the support to know that we are all connected to each other, and all need a world, which is only the opportunity for all to relieve.

Mercury in Gemini helps in Trine to Uranus, help, the new solutions that find their way to the everyday life of filters and ways to communicate all us to change our structures (Pluto in Capricorn), and at the same time a sense of security and continuity (Sun/Moon in cancer)

My name is Maayan Medzini, I am an astrologer for over 10 years advises people about all aspects of life: career, relationship decisions where you life and when you changes in any of above. I focus on what is now Western Astrology (although its roots go directly back to summer). You can visit my site: for more Astrology content.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Influence of three eclipses - how are you?

The first Eclipse is a partial solar eclipse on the 1st of June at 11 degrees of Gemini. This Eclipse is Gemini and Sagittarius strongly, but will it affect also all air sign, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. This is because this Eclipse is trine aspect to Saturn in Libra is an air sign. If you have worked very hard on your goals, you can find that you get the long overdue rewards for your efforts. Where this falls on your diagram will show anywhere, where recognition can be displayed for your hard work. When enough have you not, then you have the option to create a new structure, to effectively in this area live move forward.

The next Eclipse is a total lunar eclipse on 15 June at 24 degrees Sagittarius. Since this a total eclipse, rather than a partial one, this has even more power than the previous one in Gemini. Is there significant changes in your life, and you to learn new, maybe some new skills to learn, might move in a new area or even in another country can be considered. Not try to resist the changes and this Eclipse disrupts your life not too much. At the global level, there could be problems with travel, technology, computer, cars, airplanes, trains, streets and general communication.

The last Eclipse is a partial solar eclipse on 1st July at 9 degrees cancer. This is possibly the most difficult all three, as it makes some difficult aspects with the other planets. It has strong Cardinal signs: cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra. Depending on where it falls on your diagram it could mean relationship problems, changes in your relationships with your family. It could mean a movement and financial challenges, your health may be affected. There is also the potential for huge profits of a company and also meet your soul mate. These energies are very powerful and impact for at least six months or longer.

Eclipses and what they mean in your life:
View of the chart and see where the darkness falls and have a period of about a year, which will promote this life area. You feel, as if you have not much choice, but you have to with questions, with which you now and you can no longer hesitate. It is usually a build up to six months before the actual Eclipse and follow in the six months after the Eclipse must be treated.

1st-7th House axis
You need to balance between you finding yourself and your relationships. You are faced questions about courage, confidence and independence. Here are some possible results:
-An increased drive to take over your life.
-A complete change of your personal appear, your body and your self image
-Sie learn how to stand on its own feet
-Sie can get married or have a separation
-Push-to stronger identity and greater autonomy

2.-8th House axis
You will find a balance between your own requirements for the safety and comfort with other people. Their finances are in sharp focus:
-Take care how well you have your finances?
-Müssen you make some changes?
Are you more than you earn-Verbringen?
Are you-Verlassen on someone else for your safety?
-Vorrang rooms your values a and make sure that you comply with them life
Are exhausted or you the actions so that you can feel safe. You can learn that not necessarily material things, that you feel safe there.

3. to 9 House axis
Questions in connection with learn and know to share come into focus. You may need more attention on your immediate surroundings. Things that you can face:
-Need to be involved actively and in your immediate vicinity
-Erfahren, how expand your horizons and look beyond your own world
-Erzwingen you from a rut and out-of-date habit patterns
Start to communicate more effectively
-Erfahren you something new
-Lehren you something new
-Prioritize you your assets and ensure you, that according to these values life
–Ensure connections with people from a different background than yours - either personal or business.

4th-10th House axis
These questions about your public and your privacy and attention to your career and your family. You must find ways to:
-A balance between home and family with the needs of your career, reputation and drive for success and security.
Are exhausted or you free your privacy
Are exhausted or you free of charge your career
Start using a new career path
Balance the needs of home work
-You need to to move State or country for your work
-Sie can move home

5th-11th House axis
It is to find out, what gives you pleasure and perhaps to turn a hobby into a business. You will review your friendships and the groups that you belong to.
-A love affair can begin or end under this influence.
Contacts with others should new
Research you, some risks, especially with your creativity
-Develop your self-confidence – perhaps take acting or public speaking
-Erfahren more about working with other and be a team player
-Prüfen you a contribution to your community - perhaps volunteer work

6th-12th house axis
This is all about service and health - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It's a good time to:
-Get organisiertere
-Adapt your routines
Develop healthy habits and bring some new structures into your life
-Lassen you your fears and old destructive habit patterns
Develop more compassion and understanding others
-Lassen make your obsessions and your
-At the heart of the spiritual side of your life and go within for answers
Barbara Goldsmith, professional astrologer for over 30 years are personal readings for customers worldwide.
It has a loyal following on you tube with their free monthly horoscopes.
Author of astrology was the elements - simple, physical and metaphysical astrology, manual for the survival of the global financial crisis.
Also a brings qualified financial advisor, they a unique blend in the field of astrology with its intuitive astrological know and their practical experience.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

The month of Gemini, the 2011

The Zodiac months in advance: Promoting awareness

What can we all expect June from the forecast of our planetary sky, 21 May-21.

A MEDITATION for Gemini ~ John Jocelyn

Extracts the essence of Gemini is synthesis. When one reaches this power of synthesis, it is to achieve and realize the wisdom of love which makes, combines the male and female as well as divine and earthly element under the sign of the twins.

Sun enters Gemini 21 may

WoW rated stars. Were not we all only complaints about winter? It is certain that certainly MITE is because we have now reached the end of spring! Modifiable within the Gemini State it communicates through the element of air, which is our current season soon to end. With swift, bright and alert stimulate energy that accompanied the collective thinking, our thirst for knowledge the twins. Time spent for processing information, promising ideas, logic, refining and engaging our survey moves us through this current Zodiac month natures. So let fly these conversations to find pleasure in the relationship and develop your rational intellectual persecution lives in which Gemini allow your Zodiac pie.

Eclipse of the Sun in Gemini 01 June 5:31 pm

The Gemini part of your world brings a very special spark our second solar eclipse 2011 as we take this month in the new moon. Considering the 11 degrees Gemini spot in your birth chart refers to the exact location, some fertile new energy develop from to be expected in the next few months. Solar eclipses, always hand in hand with new moon, bring forth important initiations, we look forward to our life to inspire the where they in our charts kick-off.

Mercury enters Gemini 2 June; Venus enters Gemini 9 June

More taste shows up Gemini as communications and related energy team up to travel with the value of the twins. You will find quick perceptions with a capacity of many pages on a topic under arise - coupled by witty, wordy and humorous methods the expression. Search for affections, to bring flirtatious and spontaneous reactions; While the harmony of romance by pairing up for a short trip can be found.

Jupiter enters Taurus 4 June

View on where the bull frozen in all Zodiac pie, and are you insured are blessings and development in this area of life for the next year to facilitate. The philosopher planet brings extension here, all in the constructive force, the Taurus of operates. To sum up our enthusiasm will not be tolerated in material pleasures and yet extravagant and unbridled energy. Training of our minds in the field of conventional, sympathetic and charitable opportunities you are again peaceful results reflect; Our belief in solidarity ensure.

As we brings knowledge of what is in our life, split the changes needed to promote come to the understanding of cooperation the Union, the Gemini here is to bestow upon us.

At the young age of seven, Sharita was a student of the planets above and all the secrets of the universe. It is a psychic of the planets, for all stages of the astrological, numerological available and Lexigram analysis by readings and party services, available at: While residing between Chatham, NY, and New York City book, currently their first release "it's all in the name" which from Steiner books in June 2011, when hosting her own radio show throws, "What's your sign?" I have your number!'

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Love life in Nordic astrology - the role of Frigga

In Nordic Astrology Frigga is one of the three planets, that indicate our love live the quality and nature (represented by the planet Venus). The other two planets are Freyja (Sun) and Thor (MARS). Frigga is the home and family. Frigga identifies the part who wants us, marriage, children, a loving family, a comfortable home and refuge from a hostile world. Frigga helps determine how we a budget and common life with its long-standing partner set.

As Frigga has an affinity with the night-East House of Nordic astrology, we also see that octant of the solar circle is a description of our long-term partnerships and home environment.

We are faced a paradox if Horoscopes are studying the effect of Frigga in Norse. Frigga is the planet of privacy, in particular, that the country as a haven of public affairs. Given their role, we expect to find Frigga, if we look at the lives of public figures in a weak or subdued position.

We start with the analysis of the Nordic charts of two European leaders, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Merkel, we find Frigga in Ansuz to overcome the Rune of the subtle wind barriers. Ansuz is useful in other contexts, but not for the personal obligations of Frigga. In addition, Frigga in the most vulnerable House, day West House, realm of public affairs is. The position will help a mother figure for the German people appear Merkel, but it is not conducive for a personal family. Odin (Moon), hikers, is at night East House, the lack of commitment by domestic accent lighting.

For Nicholas Sarkozy, we find that Frigga in ISA, the Rune of cold, motionless ice locked. She has no important aspects to other planets, and only a weak aspect to Freyja. This cold and rigid environment is accentuated by the Norns (Neptune), the planet of obstacles at night East House. In addition, we find the planet of the social institutions, Tyr (Greek), at night East House. This position has the same effect as the Merkel's Frigga in opposing day West House - the home environment is overwhelmed by public obligations. From these aspects, we can understand how his father abandoned as his classmates ridiculed him him and his three marriages.

There is also a weakened Frigga in the actress Marilyn Monroe, chart of accounts had three marriages and three divorces. Here we find Frigga in the intellectual airy Rune Mannaz, prevents that form their long-lasting relationships. Frigga is day House in the, meaning their female qualities, but he works against the comfortable private life are. There are no planets at night East House.

Mexican painter Frida Kahlo has a greater challenge of Frigga. Their Frigga is in the very public Dagaz Rune of transformation, transcendence, and disaster. This aspect alone explained their tumultuous, passionate relationship with Diego Rivera, whom she divorced, then married. It is explained, as they made their home into a sanctuary for public controversial celebrities like revolutionary Leon Trotsky. Like Monroe House is East night empty. Grey, the Rune studies, testing and redesign, East is primary in their home overnight.

Copyright (c) 2011 ALT horoscopes, LLC

Franz-Josef star studied Greco-Roman Astrology for more than 30 years and the Nordic myth for over 15 years. It offers Astrology Norse for individuals, know the psychological and intellectual from a northern European perspective. By ALT horoscopes, LLC, Franz Josef Stern offers alternatives for those unsatisfied with conventional astrological disciplines.

Learn more about Norse Astrology!

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From his birth chart is his wife divorce him or will break his mistress with him?

Frankie came to consult me in 2001. His company was a branch in China to set up and he had to be there every few months. Frankie was wondering if he would have there extra marital affairs. Let us look at his 8 characters.

Frankie was on 9 February 1959, born in horse hour. His 4 pillars are as follows:

Year column: Earth pig
Month column: Fire Tiger
Day column: water dog (House of spouse)
Hour pillar: fire horse (yin fire)

Luck pillar of 2001-2010: metal rooster

My answer was very simple, he have extra marital affairs in 2002 or 2003. Let us fast forward to end of 2003. Frankie came me again, this time, he told me that he got involved with a China girl, and he got it accidentally pregnant.

This time, Frankie wanted to know whether he could keep his mistress and his wife. After looking at his 8 characters again, was my response to him, that he could do so. One with him, and not only that would break them, he would lose a lot of money on the resolution.

Now, would divorce break based on its 8-character of his wife him or his mistress with him? Let us...

First of all of its 8 characters we see himself, that he marry much extra Affairs. His wife/lover element is fire. By you see his 4 pillars 2 is thrown. Next, there are too many other elements in affinity with his wife home.

The day pillar, which in this case the dog is the House of spouse earthly. Dog is with the horse (hour) and Tiger (month). From these 2 factors can we determine, whether a person is obliged to keep a marriage or have extra marital affairs.

Now back to our main question. So would his wife divorce him or would break his mistress with him? We see his luck pillar us. His luck pillar consists of two metals. In addition to the pillar metal is also metal rooster. His wife/lover element is fire. With the strong metal from the luck pillar, the fire of Yang (for his lover) in his weakens 8 characters.

The Yin fire (for his wife) is in affinity with dog and Tiger, makes a strong dose of fire. This strong fire is not affected by the strong metal from the luck pillar. Not only that, there are no clashes with the House of spouse. From here, we can deduce that his lover would break with him.

So, what was the real result of this?

Frankie decided to go for an abortion his mistress. In return asked his beloved for $2 million, so that she can return to their homes. You are likely, after this incident Frankie still have an other mistress?

The answer is Yes. Of his 8 characters, we can see that he was born with it. So final, make sure that you marry someone who is not born again, to have extra marital affairs.

Marco Chong is a practitioner of Indian Numerology, Chinese astrology and Feng Shui since 1992. His specialties include compatibility with Indian Numerology and birth charts with Chinese astrology analysis analyze.

Visit for more information

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