Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The astrological forecast for June contains a Sun and Eclipse, and the summer solstice 2011

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Today you will find me rumbling my way through lots of different ideas and subjects in alignment with the Gemini spirit. With the longest day of the year and the shortest night in the Northern hemisphere mid summer is upon us once again marked by the summer solstice.

Dancing around bonfires, celebrations of the communion between heaven and earth have been honored by many cultures especially by the pagan, Celtic or druid traditions. Even nowadays it is a special day to celebrate and many people are coming together at sacred spots around the world like Stonehenge and Avebury. Midsummer is thought of as a time of magic when the forces of the light are at their strongest.

As you can tell there is a lot going on in the heavens and accordingly in your life. There are always special times in your life when you reach a threshold of consciousness and things just don't work the old way any more. You have to decide if you want to move forward into a new direction or sit down on your path and try to avoid life which never works very well. The only thing we know for sure is that life is impermanent and in constant flux and motion. If we stop growing we start dying, it is as simple as that. With astrology we can see those special times coming and act according to the flow of life.

One of those special times of new Beginnings are the Solar and Lunar Eclipses.

This month starts off with a Solar Eclipse on June 1 in Gemini and five planets and the South Node are moving on into Gemini. We will be talking about Gemini, lots of Gemini...talking a lot and then some more, going here and there to give you the taste of this versatile, vocal sign.

A Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Whenever we see an accumulation of planets in one sign, also called stellium, you know to pay good attention to the subject. What has Gemini to offer to you?

First of all Gemini is the most mentally oriented air sign ruled by Mercury. With a Solar Eclipse in Gemini a new way of thinking and communicating with each other is emerging in our consciousness. As you can tell tremendous changes in the way we connect have evolved.

For example not many people write letters anymore. Why would you if you can email somebody in a heart beat and have a response immediately for free? Now the new trend is sending SMS, Twitter or to write on Facebook because you can do it from you mobile phone while waiting in a doctor's office or riding in the bus.

Some Thoughts About the Electronic Age

Nowadays everybody seems to be on the phone with some kind of electronic activity. I am curious do you still read books? How much time of your day do you spend on your TV, computer, phone, and other electronic devices? Remember how your life was just ten years ago? I am not complaining; this is the new way of life and it has a lot of advantages.

But the shadow side of Gemini is a disembodied view of life, living life just from the perspective of our limited monkey minds. You might ask yourself how much real connection from heart to heart is happening in your live or that of your kids? For that it will take conscious awareness in using these new technologies in a beneficial, timely way. And you can choose to turn it off once in a while.

An astrology client of mine mentioned that she stays of all devices even the telephone over the weekend. It gave me a moment of pause. Thinking about it I realized how this is a wonderful way to create some space for other activities to happen.

I do believe that the cup of tea with your girl friend or friend will not go out of fashion because there is something in that in person connection which cannot be replaced by technology. A good cry or hug in your friend's arms when you need it is most healing and nourishing.

Five Planets in Gemini

Last month after a time of focus onto the physical realities of life, our finances and the bigger ecological picture we are now moving on into a new subject and with that the energy will be much lighter and flexible for a while. With the Sun, the New Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury in the air sign of Gemini most of June will be governed by an attitude maybe of mental aloofness or a more objective perspective.

Gemini is the sign of the scientist, the communicator, the story teller, the witness or curious butterfly. Geminis are usually very easy to get along with. They know many people and have many stories to tell. Here is one of mine.

Being born on May 21 when I was young I always thought I was a Gemini and I could well identify with it. I was always a social being, loved my big circle of friends, and was a veracious reader even as a very young child. If I had to choose between companionship on a desolated island or a kindle with internet connection; I don't know what I would choose. Books mean the world for me. Other people's thoughts and stories enchant me and I feel inspired.

Then later when I got into astrology it turned out my Sun was at the very end of Taurus and not in Gemini but my Ascendant was Gemini. Luckily I got to keep my self-identity intact and learned to discover other aspects of my personality. Over the years a very spiritual journey of self-inquiry and getting to know myself better unfolded.

For me astrology has been a wonderful vehicle to learn more about myself and consciously evolve and grow into higher potentials. Especially in difficult times with the perspective of astrology I have always felt supported in facing my dragons because I would see the bigger evolutionary picture... and when it would be over.

The highlights of the month are:

• New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Gemini June 1

• Mercury in Gemini June 2

• Jupiter in Taurus June 4

• Venus in Gemini June 9

• Sun conjunction Mercury June 12

• Mercury in Cancer June 16

• Mars in Gemini June 20 & Mars square Neptune June 22

• Sun entering Cancer June 21

• Venus square Neptune June 10

• Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius June 15

• Summer solstice June 21

• Sun opposition Pluto June 27 Sun square Uranus June 26

Sun and Mercury Entering Cancer

Towards the end of the month we finally can get back into the inner world of feelings and reconnect with our emotional guidance system. If Gemini acts from his head Cancer reacts from his belly. If we have lived the high road with Gemini and focused on worthwhile thoughts in a meaningful way we will experience happy feelings now. You can guide your feeling experience by a conscious choice of focus. Are you dwelling on your problems or are you looking for solutions. What feels better?

Cancer is the sign of home and family. It needs commitment and bonding to feel happy.

This month you will become aware how much you care and want to contribute. You feel like a part of a bigger organism which can be your family or chosen family of friends. Giving and receiving might become equally important and good feeling. Consider to enrich your life with a cat or a dog you can adopt in your pet shelter. Find a way to volunteer and help others who have a harder time than you. That will be very satisfying.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius June 15

This Full Moon in Sagittarius is a Lunar Eclipse and is exposing the shadow side of the New Moon Solar Eclipse. It is a time of contemplation of the bigger picture. Only a more philosophical view can give the frantic energy of Gemini a higher meaning.

While a Solar Eclipse is kind of rebooting our consciousness and lifting it to a new level of functioning, a Lunar Eclipse is activating material from our unconsciousness. Buried emotions rise to the surface and give new meaning to our thoughts and actions.

You could allow that to happen and try out a devices weekend fast without any mental input through TV, computer or other devices. Or you could even try for a week just in your free time. If you do it with you family you will come up with very different, creative ways to spend your free time. You might play cards or scrabble, tell stories or go out together. It will provide a pattern interruption and enrich your life.

Jupiter Steps into Taurus June 4

Jupiter is carrying his optimism and good luck into physical matters. There will be chances to take advantage of financial opportunities and you have the option to step up to the plate and focus on where you want to go in this "damn economy".

All in all it will be an interesting month with many inspiring ideas, maybe traveling, socializing, meeting new people, and learning new things. Don't be too concerned with figuring it all out. This month is made to inspire and uplift you into new thoughts and will start you into a new dimension of your life.

I hope you will have a wonderful month, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

Shakti Carola Navran has been an evolutionary astrologer, published author and now columnist for Maui Weekly. In her astrological practice she has been giving readings for people from all over the world for 33 years in person, through Skype or on the phone.

Her approach is with the perspective of Evolutionary Astrology which reads the psycho-dynamic information of your chart in the bigger frame of the evolution of your soul - your karma. It usually goes very deep and can give you a very significant perspective onto yourself and your life.

On her blog http://jewelryandgemsforselfdiscovery.com/blog/ you will find her Astrological Weather Report and you can sign up for her free monthly astrological overview.

Call her in Hawaii: 808 878 8182

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