Wednesday, July 20, 2011

2011 All relationships in the spotlight

Two high-profile relationship are stories in the news.

This is not a coincidence. We are in a universal emotional month - may, 2011 vibrates at 9.

9 can you share, thoughts and feelings, you are no longer used.

And this year your feelings focuses on all types of relationships in your life. Romantic, social, occupational, mentor student and family relationships.

Never before have we had the opportunity to mix the peace and the cooperation of number 2 with the release of Division symbolised by the number 11. Your key to happy relations reflected in the figures '2011'.

If you feel that your heart hurt, you know, that it be opened again. It doesn't always. Think back unconditional love first and love will remember always to you.

Their chance to love and experience love is endless.

It does not matter if a person you love loves you back. Someone else in response to your thoughts, feelings and actions can not be controlled. ALL that matters is that you focused, honest, remain powerful and loving in your relationships.

Then, you'll be amazed at how love and joy and peace fill your life.

Let the concern to feel that you have other oscillating your feelings. Let your fear of being alone.

If you attack other, you know that all attacks only a cry for help. Nothing else.

What is you in the world, what you get in return.

Think so clear about what you want. Your mind starts all creation with. Thoughts are the seeds of creation. Closely see your thoughts.

Put your creative, positive thoughts into words.

Words are incredibly manifestations of thought. Write your thoughts on paper. Speak loudly.

3. Process of creation is action. Action is manifest your words.

In 2011, the speed with which you your thoughts and words manifest, is truly remarkable. This is because number 2011 reduced to 4 - a powerful manifestation.

If humanity from around 1900 in the years following 2000 passed, began a major change in the consciousness.

We shifted to understand our connection with the world around us with priority to us. To embrace network of all.

Their lives are above all others whose lives you touch. Be solid and honest about it all, who you are. By focusing in balanced power is reflected in the number 2011, which is anchored by a 2 at both ends, you will see how you treat others is how you handle yourself.

However, if you encounter the number 2 as uncertainty and confusion and the 11 as duality and separation, you will feel as split in two and incomplete.

Make changes with everything, what is in the opposition, who want to be. Make peace with your "perceived" enemies. Every person, every thing every situation and event in your life is a reflection of you.

11 brings us always decisions. What you choose, experience.

Do think, speak and act your largest integrity only from your highest truth. The word "Integrity" means "intact, all" inseparable from source code.

Tania Gabrielle - Celebrity Numerologist, AstroNumerologist, composer, and writer - is a regular guest on radio shows around the world. Their findings were of the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, ESPN Magazine, essence and US magazines published. She writes a very popular free current events e-newsletter.

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