Sunday, July 31, 2011

Virgo horoscope for July 2011

Phase in memory move forward a progressive, if friendships, new connections and group collections are highlighted and you can give more thoughts to destinations you have wanted to achieve for a very long time. The governing factor in this month not being what is for you, and how well they work together so much know that you know. Overall they are vibration, where type of business cooperation and social gatherings of various kinds are highlighted especially after the third in a sociable and friendly in General. A time when the collective energy of 'a sense of duty' is strengthened, and it is likely to be more scope for unexpected or unconventional influences.

Mars is in a keep public sector, with image, presentation, bureaucracy or the authority concerned, and you are vital and energetic, Mars will help you climb the ladder of success or to make progress with the master plan, but also with a lesser objectives and ambitions. Some of you have more robust interaction with a parent or guardian or be seen as the authority of others.

The aim is also a great time for negotiations or socializing with people where able to professionally help you or your cross.

New or old friendships and biz type contacts are warm and sociable. Mutual support is expected. Mercury is more in targeted, sensitive mood which means intuition is working well and your unconscious intuitions are nearer the surface, but you can also do more mental work behind the scenes or mulling deeper questions.

Jupiter's new position will expand your world in a positive way in the next 12 months. You could grow academically, but also your will expand intellectual horizons in other ways as you touch new areas of interest. You can communicate across a broader stage. By education, travel or personal experience you are plunged understand the into new projects and activities, your and give you the opportunity to share your knowledge and skills from various sources. Higher learning, teaching, unfamiliar environments, travel or remote contacts be positively highlighted at this stage.

Saturn in your area of material security until 2012 already looking to the future has, forecasting inventory of finances, the possessions, the physical space, the comfort zone or health. Patients and work continuously be and consistently at this basic, physical levels bring about an improvement in the situation. Feather your nest in advance as you can. Another aspect of this long transit is that you are developing constantly your innate systems, your gave and become talents the lucrative and they generate more income as you in can apply effective and practical way.

Uranus planet of sudden change was shift the balance in close relations and evoke changes in your personal lifestyle for many years. Uranus is now in an area where more distance on jointly held or controlled resources concerns. Can there be a sudden release of a previous relationship or lifestyle. Virgos born 7 degrees will increase during the first week or with the first to feel the action of Uranus this month.

Neptune in your opposite sign PISCES til August, will bring more empathy in your relationships and tend to the best people are looking for and make a real difference in their lives, but just make sure that you not in the case of one them on a pedestal and they worship fall.

Or over-play the martyr/Redeemer-show...

This is the first 1-2 days Virgo natives and two degree Virgin most of June rising concern.

For many years Pluto be quiet but positive all your efforts to the development makes more personal creativity and life in a way that is more self-empowering, and support themselves faithful. Virgos Aug 26 to September 2nd or with 3-8 degrees of Virgo rising born feel this vibration most of June.

Of 23 is a feeling of preparation and regeneration and you may be more inclined to again with things behind the scenes, sort things around you, but also put on an inner level your House in order.

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