Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Total Lunar Eclipse and full moon in Sagittarius

This particular Eclipse in Sagittarius are to told about learning the truth on the other hand lies. We see this with reports far lower levels of radiation from the Japan provide disaster actually be found as at the global level. The same is true of the volcano which has erupted in Chile where it a crack, six miles long and three miles wide is the. Christchurch New Zealand has with a swarm of earthquakes in the last two days or more destruction experienced, weakening of the infrastructure and thousands more homeless. However, says the Government is still "rebuilding we will." Demanding a challenge for all of us be the difference between truth and lies in the next 18 months to come. This is global, affect us on a national and on a personal basis.

Sagittarius is all about the search after truth, adventure, travel, believe and an optimistic future. It provides the higher mind, education and extension and the Lunar Eclipse can great performance, a dream true or bring the release of some very heavy luggage, or a big ends, the power of the way for something new and exciting. Jupiter, rules the planet luck and abundance of Sagittarius, so that this full moon in Sagittarius on the diagram specific life could bring good news, a spiritual awakening, or even a new and exciting vision for your future in this area.

It's a good time to:

Think about the future and how you can improve yourself and your skills
Publish a book or an article
Have an adventure
Go to a party or host-a
You are planning a big trip somewhere, you do not have been
Teach, train, bus
Tell the truth as you see it - only connected no frills pole!
The big picture in focus
Find the fun ways
Find deeper meaning in your life
Do have some personal development
Discover, experiment, experience
Surround yourself with people from completely different backgrounds and cultures to yourself
Find a mentor or someone who inspires you
Do think about your beliefs and discard that which you restrict
Do outside in the free
Think of the meaning of life and what is your goal
See everything in a positive light
Find your own teacher within
Pick up a new sport
Ignite your natural enthusiasm and passion
Say, or write an interesting story
Open up to new experiences
You think, what you want and take measures to realize your dreams
Discover and appreciate the abundance around you
Celebrate your life
Count your blessings

Do not try to enforce your view or opinion on someone else. The situation differently look provide and you can "to contradict votes." Consider areas in your life that you other judgments are-if it is destructive and alienating people from your life become aware. You want to know more and wisdom.

Everywhere, where it falls on your diagram will be a time for growth and learning.

It falls into my 6th House work and service, and I'm planning to take my business to a whole new level. A much wider level than ever before, and while it feels like a leap of faith, it is also very exciting. I may be some areas that I think, are of interest for many people a very large issue of combating are: for example, the Mayan calendar, Atlantis, esoteric Astrology, to name a few. This is lighting a light on the way, as I can people bring together far and wide, astrology in new and exciting and expansive ways - so that we, opinions can share views, insights and ideas. He pushes me out of my comfort zone and forces to consider me to be a bigger picture for the astrology and service for people all over the world. Sagittarius is the teacher and mentor, and that is exactly what I plan to do in the next few weeks. So this full moon and Lunar Eclipse comes to a wonderful time and the energy of this configuration will help me expand out quickly and effectively.

Where is this full moon and the Lunar Eclipse in the chart? Maybe it's in your fourth House of home and family. This indicates at least a six-month period or longer here you will find it to balance between your home to find life and your work. You can move to another country, such as contactors long-haul travel rule and moves. Or perhaps it is in your eleventh House friends and dreams. This could mean that you make some wonderful new friends in the next few months, people who recommend that you expand into new areas that you never thought that you would explore. These friendships, which they have the restrictive and are constrictiva to delete relationships may be roadside make room for further strengthening.
Barbara Goldsmith, professional astrologer for over 30 years are personal readings for customers worldwide.
It has a loyal following on you tube with their free monthly horoscopes.
Author of astrology was the elements - simple, physical and metaphysical astrology, manual for the survival of the global financial crisis.
Also a brings qualified financial advisor, they a unique blend in the field of astrology with its intuitive astrological know and their practical experience.

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