Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Success in the Nordic astrology - the role of Thor

In the Nordic astrology, Thor is display one of three planets, the success and performance in life (represented by the planet Mars). The other two planets are Tyr (Saturn) and Freyr (Jupiter). Thor is the strength to triumph over enemies and obstacles. He is our willingness and for hard work, especially physical effort. Thor means our ability to break down barriers. It shows our willingness to face challenges. Although there similarities between the Norse Thor and Graeco-Roman Mars, overall, Thor is a more pro social archetype as Mars.

Since Thor has an affinity with the day-East House of Nordic astrology, we see also that octant of the solar circle for the effort, struggle and confrontation necessary for success.

Our first Nordic horoscope show the role of Thor is the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Thor is the Rune of death and Transfiguration, Eihwaz. In addition, it is Thor in weakness, the night-West House, the House of weakness and secrets. And as if that were not enough, Loki (Uranus), the planet of the disruption (and creation) is associated with Thor. All this shows the hardships (polio, childhood accident, chronic pain), which they had to endure. With Thor makes made was against this fate and stunning artwork. Thor is by far the most aspected planet in their horoscope. Their house day East (so) contains three feminine planets - Freyja, Frigga (Venus) and the Norns (Neptune), which draw attention to the revolutionary feminist quality of their work. The primary Rune in the day-East House is Dagaz Rune of transcendence and transformation, showing how she transformed by their art.

Thor of French President Nicolas Sarkozy will be charged less. Here, Thor is cooperation, adaptability and mobile energy in Ehwaz, the Rune, and this is an apt description as he rose to the ranks of his party President will be. Thor is House, the House of the opposition and conflict in the West, and Sarkozy is no stranger to opposition. In some ways his provoke enemies very actions. Thor is associated with the passion, the ever search Odin (Moon)- and idealistic, aspire Heimdal (Northern declination of the Moon), and this subtlety of its energy and efforts added. Thurisaz, which emphasizes all the attributes of Thor contain his house day East, Thor Rune. The day-East House contains also rich Freyr (Jupiter), the success of his efforts, guaranteed, and disruptive Loki, the controversy ignites.

Thor in entertainer Michael Jackson horoscope is powerful and subtle. Thor is on the cusp between Laguz (the vitality, subconscious, concealment) and Yngvi (masculine energy by the female). We see with both sophistication and strength in his performances manifesting the power of Thor. In addition, Thor in the East House itself, so the Thor power part is his very being. Trine of Frigga, which the family has the Presidency, shows the important role played in his family to develop his talents. Odin, the viewfinder is in the day-East House, that he always trying new techniques and styles, and shows the close coordination of its efforts to the primary day East Rune of Ehwaz.

In the three above horoscopes, we see a deficiency in the Graeco-Roman interpretation of Mars. For Frida Kahlo, Mars is in his boost in the constellation capricornus. This should have specified temporal power. But rather, their efforts were constantly hindered, and it only achieved recognition after her death. Mars is in his reign, RAM for Nicolas Sarkozy. This makes it strong enough, but there is an abrupt and abrasive style that never could have served him well in French politics. And Michael Jackson, Mars is in its detriment in Taurus. We would expect, inertia and sloth from this position, but were his appearances the opposite.

Copyright (c) 2011 ALT horoscopes, LLC

Franz-Josef star studied Greco-Roman Astrology for more than 30 years and the Nordic myth for over 15 years. It offers Astrology Norse for individuals, know the psychological and intellectual from a northern European perspective. By ALT horoscopes, LLC, Franz Josef Stern offers alternatives for those unsatisfied with conventional astrological disciplines.

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