Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Love life in Nordic astrology - the role of Frigga

In Nordic Astrology Frigga is one of the three planets, that indicate our love live the quality and nature (represented by the planet Venus). The other two planets are Freyja (Sun) and Thor (MARS). Frigga is the home and family. Frigga identifies the part who wants us, marriage, children, a loving family, a comfortable home and refuge from a hostile world. Frigga helps determine how we a budget and common life with its long-standing partner set.

As Frigga has an affinity with the night-East House of Nordic astrology, we also see that octant of the solar circle is a description of our long-term partnerships and home environment.

We are faced a paradox if Horoscopes are studying the effect of Frigga in Norse. Frigga is the planet of privacy, in particular, that the country as a haven of public affairs. Given their role, we expect to find Frigga, if we look at the lives of public figures in a weak or subdued position.

We start with the analysis of the Nordic charts of two European leaders, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Merkel, we find Frigga in Ansuz to overcome the Rune of the subtle wind barriers. Ansuz is useful in other contexts, but not for the personal obligations of Frigga. In addition, Frigga in the most vulnerable House, day West House, realm of public affairs is. The position will help a mother figure for the German people appear Merkel, but it is not conducive for a personal family. Odin (Moon), hikers, is at night East House, the lack of commitment by domestic accent lighting.

For Nicholas Sarkozy, we find that Frigga in ISA, the Rune of cold, motionless ice locked. She has no important aspects to other planets, and only a weak aspect to Freyja. This cold and rigid environment is accentuated by the Norns (Neptune), the planet of obstacles at night East House. In addition, we find the planet of the social institutions, Tyr (Greek), at night East House. This position has the same effect as the Merkel's Frigga in opposing day West House - the home environment is overwhelmed by public obligations. From these aspects, we can understand how his father abandoned as his classmates ridiculed him him and his three marriages.

There is also a weakened Frigga in the actress Marilyn Monroe, chart of accounts had three marriages and three divorces. Here we find Frigga in the intellectual airy Rune Mannaz, prevents that form their long-lasting relationships. Frigga is day House in the, meaning their female qualities, but he works against the comfortable private life are. There are no planets at night East House.

Mexican painter Frida Kahlo has a greater challenge of Frigga. Their Frigga is in the very public Dagaz Rune of transformation, transcendence, and disaster. This aspect alone explained their tumultuous, passionate relationship with Diego Rivera, whom she divorced, then married. It is explained, as they made their home into a sanctuary for public controversial celebrities like revolutionary Leon Trotsky. Like Monroe House is East night empty. Grey, the Rune studies, testing and redesign, East is primary in their home overnight.

Copyright (c) 2011 ALT horoscopes, LLC

Franz-Josef star studied Greco-Roman Astrology for more than 30 years and the Nordic myth for over 15 years. It offers Astrology Norse for individuals, know the psychological and intellectual from a northern European perspective. By ALT horoscopes, LLC, Franz Josef Stern offers alternatives for those unsatisfied with conventional astrological disciplines.

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