Saturday, July 30, 2011

The importance of yin and Yang (part one)

Complementary opposites

If you are studying any aspect of the Oriental philosophy or culture you soon come across the concept of "Yin" and "Yang". These terms are used to describe the opposite yet complementary nature of iChi energy which understood the elderly behind the manifestation of everything in nature - the creation of structures, promotions, seasons, emotion and movement exist.

I Ching Astrology are the qualities of yin and Yang behind the understanding of the cycles of change that we go through. These nine years cycles move of yin, Yang; This means of dormancy in winter (yin) by the increasing active phase of the spring up in the consolidation phase of Yang. Similarly, the most important include Yin/Yang attributes numbers.

Yang's nature is seen from of the heavens and down to Earth. Conversely, Yin is the natural tendency to rise and back to the heavens. Yin of's energy rises is diffuse, and therefore slower and cooler, while Yang's descending energy concentrated, is harder, hotter and faster. The result of this process is that the structures that are larger are seen more as yin, while those that are smaller and more compact more than Yang seen.

Here, it is associated with a list of some typical opposites yin and Yang.

Yin: Passivity; cool colors; Silent; potential energy (electricity); Cool; introverted; hard-working; careful; maternal; unsafe; dependent

Yang: Activity heat; Movement; makes (obvious); self-confident; passionate; Extrovert; impulsive; stubborn; Bold; paternal; adventurous; independent

Miscellaneous concepts

An important principle to be taken into account is that is not fully yin and Yang nothing is entirely. The centuries old Yin/Yang symbol, that familiar with everyone these days is, takes this concept perfectly. The dark section of the Yin-Yang symbol is representative of yin, but it is in a small circle of the opposite (Yang) from the left side. If we look a tree, could say, that its leaves, branches and trunk are the Yin element in its structure and that the Yang is within his roots growing down.

A spring onion has nature (yin) in its structure and far less root (Yang) far more upwards; This compares with a carrot, has a greater concentration of power and structure within the root (Yang) and less emphasis on the leaf structure (yin). As well, if our nature is primarily intellectual or spiritual we are more Yin than one person, the practical and grounded, who would be seen more than Yang.

Relatively more Yin than people who are rigid and inflexible would be people who are physically and emotionally flexible. At night, when we rest and are more passive, is traditionally understood as a more Yin period during the daylight hours, when we active / booked, are seen more as Yang. Winter, when it is colder and we less active, more Yin than summer, when it hot and we are in the free and active.

In part two, which will be published soon, the nature of yin and Yang, applied to nature and health discover Jon.

Published eight books on and around the themes of acupressure, Feng Shui Astrology, the 10 day random distribution program Piatkus Guide to Feng Shui, Feng Shui travel, Macrobiotics for beginners, Zen and the art of cooking authentic I Ching and the I Ching astrology.

I Ching Astrology Ltd
Name Jon Sandifer
Web address

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